Sex Gods battle (4/8 - The End)

The location of throne of ruler was mysterious. Xue Ren just appeared using his powers and so he was in front of the throne. He took the seat, and felt the impressive energy flowing through his body.

His powers began rising. 

The strongest state of the divinity is known to be 12 winged. However, there was an inevitable road for the ruler! The 14 winged shall be born right now! The power of the throne worked, then Xue Ren began feeling as if the universe which he has abandonded was within his palm.

It was strange feeling, but then he sneered and took the throne to his own universe.

All the efforts of the former rulers and even plots of other ones had been destroyed by this move. The throne appeared within Xue Ren's universe in the special place, then it was time to gather the rest. The throne of time was in sun goddess' hands, so what was left were a three thrones - the space, death and life ones!