
Jack, who was getting really smelly that his armpit can probably kill Tarzan was still in his crazy state. He was not able to take a bath because he can hardly control his mana with the training equipment.

He miraculously survived the traps and ambushes of the monsters living in the island.

Day 21.

Jack who was wandering in the night saw 2 owls. They were playing chess. The 2 owls looked like 2 chess masters playing with their serious face.

" Checkmate. Haha! Gray! I won. I won your wife! She's going to be mine haha!"

They were betting their wife in this game. And the owls could speak human language. They were the Smart Owl who was a very intelligent monsters.

The Owl who said that was dancing happily. And the other Owl who was called Gray was very sad. He could have won that match but his plans was seen through!

" Big Eye another match! Let's go play another match. I still have my 2 daughters to bet and if I win I get my wife back and your wife too!"

" Heh, nope Gray. Maybe next time. I have to enjoy your wife first hehehehe. "

Big Eye flied away to another Owl nearby. It was Gray's wife!

Big Eye began riding on Gray's wife and did her.

Gray, looking at his wife getting laid by his friend was very angry. He got NTRed right in his face.

' Why don't you find a place where I am not before starting? When I get your wife then I will tie you up and f*ck your wife face to face.'

Jack approached the just NTRed Gray.

" Hey, can we play? I know how to play and very good at it."

Jack was able to get out of his crazy state because he saw a game. He had not played for so long.

Gray the owl looked at Jack.

" You? Okay let's play but first. What will you be betting when I win? "

Jack looked at the Owl. Then he patted his body.

" But I don't have anything!"

" Humph. Then go away I won't play with you."

Gray looked at his wife and Big Eye still doing it. Then he rubbed his wing on his lower body. He was rubbing himself!

Jack walked away. After awhile he saw a nest on a tree. It was Big Eye's nest then Jack thought.

' I could probably use his wife as a betting material right?'

Jack climbed the tree and saw an Owl sleeping on it. He climbed back down to find something to use as a rope. Then he found a really long snake.

Jack killed it easily. It was a weak monster snake. Jack was going back to the nest where he saw Big Eye's wife.

There Jack pounced on the sleeping owl trying to tie it up to the owl.

Jack returned to Gray who was having a climax. With a tied up owl in his hand.

" Hey, can I use this for the bet?"

Gray was shocked. He flied away then he looked at Jack. Now he was angry! It felt really good then you appear? Gray then looked at the owl tied up in Jack's hand.

" Isn't that Big Eye's wife? Are you sure you want to bet that? "

Jack nodded.

" If I win. You let me ride you so I can find some things in this island."

The Owls were big enough for Jack to ride.

" Okay then. Let us play, hehe when that big eye will se what I will do to his wife. Hehehehehe. "

Gray and Jack arranged the chess pieces. Gray was using his beak as a hand. And soon they started playing.

30 minutes later.

Big Eye who was done riding Gray's wife was watching Jack and Gray play.

" Checkmate. "

Jack said to the Owl who lost the game.

" F*ck!!! How did you, howww!!!"

Jack was very good at playing video games. He even played chess and won against a world champion without knowing about it.

" Hey, you will let me ride you right? I have to find those things. They are very important and if not then I will give this to so let me ride."

Jack pointed at the tied up Owl.

Big Eye who saw that was shocked.

" Babe? Why are you tied up? What are you doing to my wife! "

" Heh, Big Eye. What your wife? She's my wife now. This kid gave her to me. You can't do anything about it. Hehe. Kid, I will do it later let me have some fun first. And Big Eye, don't hurt the kid or I will do your daughters too. "

With that. Gray started f*cking Big Eye's wife.