So Late

Jennet awoke the next day when her phone rang. She opened her sleepy eyes. As if remembering something, she immediately ran her hands under the quilt, searching for her phone. When she failed to locate her phone, she groaned softly.

Her long and straight hair was all over her face when she got on all four limbs on the bed, searching for her ringing phone. She looked around with her hair curtaining the sides of her face.

Then the ringing died.

As the sound died, she was in a daze on the bed. She looked around in confusion. The room she was in was dark.

"Where am I?" She mumbled to herself while half asleep. The surrounding was not the house that she was used to. Her brows furrowed as she tried to remember something.

She tugged her own hair until she felt pain on the skin of her head. Then she nodded her head. "Ahh, I remember. I am in my new house."

She slumped back onto the pillows to continue sleeping but the phone rang again. She grunted furiously as she raised her head.

Just where is that damn phone of mine go?!

She slipped from the bed motionlessly and found the phone under her bed. She cursed angrily as she bent down and at last got on her chest on the floor as she tried to reach for her ringing phone.

"Just how the heck did my phone get down here?" She grunted. Half of her body was under the bed, trying to reach the phone. She managed to grab the phone and saw a familiar name on the screen. Marvina!

She held the phone to her ear and was connected to the caller.

"Hello, Marvina!" She greeted in a cheerful but hoarse voice. "Sorry, I didn't hear your call."

"What took you so long?!" Came a stern and angry voice from the end of the receiver. The person at the end of the line was half shouting in her ear.

"Err... I just woke up from sleep." Jennet replied and smiled sheepishly.

"I thought you were in trouble. You promised to meet me today." Marvina's voice sounded furious but worried at the same time.

Jennet scratched her head. She rubbed her eye with her other free hand. "Hmm, what time is it now? I kind of not able to differentiate if it is morning or evening now."

"It is half past twelve in the afternoon now. You promised for a meetup today at 10 am and I waited and waited up till now but you didn't show up. I was worried if you were involved in an accident today." She nagged at the end of the line.

"I'm sorry. I am coming right away. Will you be so kind and wait for me? I will even treat you today." Jennet said trying to ease her friend's anger.

"Fine, since you're treating me, I will be emptying your wallet today as well," Marvina said, threatening her.

"Yes boss," Jennet answered back with a chuckle. "I'll meet you there in half an hour." She added before the call was ended.

Jennet was about to slide out from under the bed when she felt a cold touch on her bare feet. She gasped and accidentally hit her head under the bed.

"Ouch!" She yelped. She glided out from under the bed with her phone. She sat on the floor and looked around. Her heart accelerated at an unknown pace.

Did somebody just grab on her feet?

She immediately stood up and pulled the curtains. Light emerged and filled her room brightly. She looked around once again. No one was there except her.

Again, she scratched her head, confused and uncertain of what happened just now.

Hmm, I must be imagining things.

She ignored her fast-paced heart as she placed her phone on the bed and gone through her wardrobe for a towel before she rushed into the bathroom.

After ten minutes, she dashed out from the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel with her long wet hair. She took another towel and hurriedly pat her hair dry while groaning in exasperation.

"I'm late! I'm late! I'm late!" She kept repeating the phrase as if it was a charm.

She tossed the towel aside and opened the drawer in the wardrobe, taking out her underwear and a bra. She hurriedly put them on before taking out a long pants.

"Urghh!" She groaned while desperately trying to jerk her leg inside the pants.

"Why do pants have to be too tight?!" She jumped around on one foot while trying to put on the pants. At last, she sat on the bed and managed to wear the pants.

She ran again towards the open wardrobe and took out a white t-shirt and put it on. She took a comb and combed her long black hair. When her hair was in a knot, she groaned again.

"Goodness!" She tugged her hair forcefully and the knot came off, dangling on the comb. She put the comb on the dressing table. She patted her long hair dry for the last time using a towel before she hung them on the line.

She made her bed in a rush and grabbed her phone and her handbag. She ran out from the bedroom, running down the stairs, passed the living room before she grabbed the car keys on the wall next to the door and put on her shoes.

She ran out of the house and locked the door before she ran towards her car. She was gasping for a breather before she started the engine and drove off.

As soon as the car left the compound, the same man appeared again at the balcony. He was watching the car leaving the place before it disappeared at a junction.

He smiled as he said softly, "Comb, return the hair to its owner." His voice was deep and sexy but cold at the same time.

The comb that was left on the dressing table moved and wiggled. The knots of hair was free and now in a few long strands. It flew and disappeared in mid-air.

The man then vanished into thousands of mist. The villa was once again empty.