Xiao Huang.

With light steps. Bao Zhang advanced towards the Internal zone of the Sect, where his new house was located.

Each disciple after becoming an Internal Disciple of the Sect, receives a new house in the Inner Zone.

Crossing a large bridge which separates the External zone from the Internal zone. Bao Zhang went on until he came to a beautiful house which was well built, cozy, and close to a small crystalline lake.

It was certainly a beautiful place to live.

Bao Zhang was slightly surprised that his mother, Qiuyue, had got him such a good place.

But since Bao Zhang was exhausted, he simply went in and lay down to sleep.

The night fell ...

And the next morning.

"w- wake up young Master"


Bao Zhang felt a small and beautiful voice calling him.

Warm little hands shook him weakly trying to wake him up.

Bao Zhang still asleep, reached out and took that little creature in his arms and hugged her using it as a pillow to hug.

"Kya ah! Y-young master wake up "

It was a soft and warm pillow, Bao Zhang enjoys the feeling that that pillow gave him.

Just that it makes noise, hmm ... it would be perfect if it did not speak.

Hey?, If he does not speak?

Bao Zhang opened his green eyes, and looked down.

Finding a cute and tender girl who looked at him with his face red and his eyes watery.

"M-master," the cute girl begged.


"Master, p-please, l-liberate me" the girl begged, begging her master to release him from her embrace, since she was very shy and could not bear to have contact with men.

She had been taking care of her master since she was several years old, but at that moment she could do it because her master had been in a coma for a long time, never waking up. But now that her master had woken up, she was shaking with nervousness when she met her master who was a man.

She was the servant of the young master Bao Zhang, her name was Xiao Huang, and she was assigned by the mother Qiuyue of her young master to care for and protect him.

Bao Zhang was surprised, very surprised, how come I woke up with a cute and cuddly little creature like this in my arms? Who is this pretty girl? And why do you call me a master?

Good. It does not matter, I'll just do what every man should do when they meet a pretty girl.

"M-master, p-please release-"


Little Xiao Huang could not finish speaking, when she felt soft and warm lips overlapped with hers.

Immediately her mind went blank.

Bao Zhang was not satisfied with a simple kiss, so his tongue began to slowly enter the mouth of little Xiao.


Xiao opened her tender eyes widely, feeling the tongue of her master entering her mouth, and began to lick her entire interior. She instinctively with some panic pulled her tongue back to the bottom, trying to hide it. But the tongue of her master did not stop, and little by little, was linking with her hidden tongue, taking it out of hiding.

Without realizing it, she began to feel comfortable, and let her tongue lasciviously link with her master's.

Then her master left and she breathed heavily with her face flushed, feeling strange because of the strange feeling she felt.

But then.

* lascivious kiss *

Bao Zhang kissed her again.

And this time, it was not just a kiss.

Bao Zhang ran his hand over the body of the small Xiao and then put his hands inside her clothes, caressing her tender skin.

"Mnn! Nnn! Ah! Nn~"

Lowering his hand, Bao Zhang felt Xiao's tender back, and then down to feel her soft ass.

He grabbed them between his palms, and he rubbed them as if he were kneading them.

"Hnn! Nnnnn! Ah!"

I suppose that until now I can only arrive for now.

Bao Zhang withdrew from his kiss, and let the little Xiao Huang breathed. But I still do not remove the hand from the buttocks of the cute Xiao Huang.

After stabilizing, Xiao looked nervous, and with her face completely flushed to her master, her eyes had light pearls of tears that threatened to fall.

"M-master n-no can not touch me there-", stuttered Xiao due to the nervousness and panic she felt when touched and kissed by a man.

Bao Zhang showed a warm smile as he looked at the cute girl in his arms.

"Hi, what's your name?" I ask in a kind voice.

Xiao Huang who was nervous and somewhat afraid of a man touching her, upon hearing Bao Zhang's warm voice, she calmed down a bit without realizing it.

"X-xiao Huang"

"Eh is a cute name," Bao Zhang praised, while with his free left hand he gently stroked Xiao's hair.


"Of course, it's a fitting name for a cute girl"

Xiao became more red when she heard the praise of Bao Zhang. Without paying attention, the fact that her tender backside was still gently caressed by Bao Zhang's hand.

"Are you by chance my personal maid?"

Being a fairly simple question and that she knew, Xiao hastened to answer:

"Yes, the master Qiuyue asked me to take care of the young master"

"My mother?"

Xiao nodded several times like a little bird pecking at his question.

"Good. I'm glad it's you, Xiao, who's become my maid".

Xiao raised her tender gaze to her master and asked with a cute voice:

"Really... Do not you lie?"

Bao Zhang brought his face to the cute Xiao.

"Ho ~ you call your master a liar, I think I should give a little punishment to my pretty Xiao" said Bao Zhang, with a tone that seemed to be wicked.

Xiao became nervous and shook her head repeatedly, claiming that she was innocent.

But then Bao Zhang's hands came back to caress her soft hair gently.

Xiao felt the caress, somehow she calmed down and duck her head, with some embarrassment on her cheeks, and her small reddened ears.

Bao Zhang seeing this, brought his lips close to touching Xiao's.

"The punishment for my pretty Xiao will be to kiss her master"

Xiao blushed even more at that, and inside she felt nervous, but the warm caress on her hair somehow calmed her down.

"I don't know how to kiss...", Xiao said, her voice as weak as if it were from a small mosquito.

Bao Zhang when listening to the cute and tender Xiao, confess that he does not know how to kiss.

He almost explodes at her tenderness.

[How beautiful she is!] Bao Zhang tried to calm his mind and continue.

"Do not you know how to kiss?"

Xiao shook her head and then ducked her head on Bao Zhang's chest, trying to hide her reddened face.

Bao Zhang followed Xiao, and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

When feeling this kiss on her cheeks, Xiao slowly raised her eyes, looked like a tender little animal somewhat fearful.

"Do not worry, my pretty Xiao" I say softly Bao, while his hand that had been rubbing Xiao's ass goes up and was wrapped in a hug.

"Your master will teach you how to kiss"

"Master" timidly pronounced Xiao.

"First you have to close your eyes"

Bao Zhang was teaching Xiao how to kiss.

Little Xiao was nervous, but with the warm touches on her hair somehow made her obedient to Bao Zhang and have confidence in him.

She nervously closed her crystalline eyes.

"Good, you have done well, my Xiao" Bao Zhang praised as he returned to caress Xiao's head, as if it were a pope stroking his little girl's head for something good.

A happy little smile formed between Xiao's lips when she was caressed.

"Master, now what's next?"

"Now let the Master teach you the sensation of kissing someone" Bao Zhang said as his lips joined slowly with Xiao's, at first Xiao walked away a little scared, but then, their lips joined.

It was the first time she felt that strange unknown sensation. His master's lips gently began to move over her lips, kissing her at a slow pace. This made it more comfortable for Xiao to adapt and slowly experience the unknown sensation she was feeling.

A few seconds after starting. Xiao had already adapted to Bao's movements when kissing, and she began to move her lips kissing her master as if it were something delicious.

Over time, Xiao's kissing became more intense.

[I guess I can now]

Slowly so that he does not scare Xiao, Bao began to introduce his tongue into Xiao's mouth. But he had overestimated Xiao's ability a bit, since when she felt her master's tongue go inside her, she felt a deep emotion of wanting to taste it and have it for her, so without hesitation, she linked her tongue with the of her master and intensified the kiss with her master.

And she also wrapped her little hands in her master's great back to embrace him.

This was no longer a simple romantic kiss, it was becoming a lascivious and intense kiss.

After a while, Bao Zhang separated from Xiao's lips leaving a line of saliva between them.

"Master ~"

Xiao looked at her with the face of a girl in heat, asking her to continue.

When you try a forbidden fruit, you can not stop eating it.

And that's what was happening to Xiao when she first tasted the delicious kisses with her master.

Bao Zhang was going to continue but at that moment ...

*Knock* *Knock*

They hit the door.

[Shit, who's coming to bother?]

Bao Zhang tried to ignore and continue with Xiao, but the blow hit the door again.

With no other option, Bao Zhang gave Xiao one last intense kiss and whispered in her ear, "At night we keep going, yes?"

Xiao nodded shyly.

And... Bao headed for the door ...