Xiao Huang (2)(R-18).

In the light of the night.

Bao Zhang snuck into his house to not alert Xiao.

And then grab her by surprise.

He was filled with emotion as he imagined how he would make his beautiful Xiao moan.

But when he entered, he did not find Xiao anywhere.

Xiao is not here? Bao Zhang asked himself.

Then he saw a small light that filtered through the door of his room.

Xiao is in my room?

Bao silently came to his door and put his ear to listen to the other side.

Eh, She's not there?

Slowly, Bao Zhang opened the door of his room, entered and stopped in front of his bed.

On his bed was a pretty girl, with white porcelain skin, her body seemed delicate as if it were going to break with the minimum pressure, her breathing was light.

It was Xiao Huang.

She was asleep on his bed, completely curled up like a little kitten, her weak figure would make anyone feel emotions.

Bao Zhang at this moment, seeing her sleeping beautifully curled up on his bed, the emotions inside him could not help being moved.

Did she fall asleep waiting for me? How long was she waiting for me?

Bao Zhang moved silently, closing the door and turning off the lights.

He wrapped the huddled Xiao on his arms and lifted her carefully. He opened the sheets and went inside, hugging Xiao.

"Hmm ... master ... have you come back? ..." Xiao wakes up weakly ...

Bao nodded, while tenderly caressing Xiao's head.

"... let's ... continue ... kisses ... .zz.z ..." Xiao pronounced weakly, but fell back to sleep warmly in Bao Zhang's arms.

Bao Zhang smiles weakly, but tenderly in his eyes as he caresses Xiao's hair more feebly, to prevent her from waking up.

"It will be another day ..." Bao murmurs, as he hugs his pretty Xiao warmly and falls asleep.


A few hours later…

While the sky was still dark.

Bao Zhang was awakened, while feeling a softness move over his lips.

Opening his eyes slightly, he found Xiao in front of his face.

She was kissing him cutely, with her eyes closed.

Bao was moved to see her and closed his eyes again to pretend to sleep.

Xiao was practicing her kisses with her sleeping master, she kissed him in different ways trying not to wake him up.

"... is it like that ...?" Xiao kissed him again, but this time she pulled out her small tongue lightly licking Bao Zhang's lips, then walked away with her face flushed.

"... or in this way?..."

Then Xiao moved her lips in various ways, while practicing the kisses with her master Bao Zhang.

Even made some funny expressions, Bao Zhang, who tried to continue pretending to be asleep to continue to see his Xiao act cute, could not help to escape a slight moan, trying to contain his laughter.

Although, his moan was almost inaudible.

For the cute Xiao who was kissing him, she heard the moan, and she quickly jump scared and her face flushed.

" Zzz… "

Xiao waited to see some reaction from her master, but he only had a light and constant breathing to continue to sleep.

She frowned beatifuly.

"Master ?" She called him.

" Zzz… "

Xiao made a slight pout when she saw that her master was not responding.

"Master, are you awake?"

" Zzz..."

Xiao grunted and suddenly, she rested her head on Bao Zhang's chest and began to listen.


The silence remains for a few seconds, until Xiao spoke again:

"Master, I know you're awake"

Bao had intended to continue playing the asleep, but upon hearing that Xiao already knew he was awake, he opened his green eyes.

"... How did you know I was awake?"

"The master's heartbeat is not the same as when you were asleep"

Bao opens his eyes in amazement, clearly not expecting that response from her.

Then he smiles warmly: "I did not know that my Xiao knew that"

"Do not underestimate me, I was taking care of him while I was sleeping for a long time, it would be strange if I could not know when the master sleeps"

"Not many would pay attention to those details," says Bao Zhang with a smile, as he slowly wraps his arms around Xiao's tender body, and brings his face close to the cute Xiao, giving her a sweet kiss.

Xiao tenderly closes her eyes, while her master kisses her.

Bao Zhang then begins to play with his tongue licking Xiao's lips, while she twists slightly in his arms when she feels small tickles.

"M-mas ... master ..."


"l-lt feels ... good ..." Xiao timidly says.

Bao Zhang can only smile faintly, and begins to move his hands weakly over Xiao's body. Taking off her clothes one by one, leaving his Xiao tender alone in her underwear.

Bao Zhang kept admiring his Xiao. She is in pink underwear, with her delicate body fully exposed, her faint hair strewn on the bed, her face flushed with shyness and her eyes dampened.

"M-master ...", Xiao is red-faced with shyness in front of her master's gaze.

Bao returns to bring his face closer to Xiao, but before he kisses her, Xiao takes courage and advances on her own while kissing him with her little cherry lips.

"Hnm… mm~ ah…"

Bao Zhang plays with Xiao's small breasts, wrapping her small breasts with his big hands.

Slowly his kisses and movements become more intense.

Xiao begins to kiss her master intensely, with her arms wrapped around the neck of her master Bao Zhang.

"M-master... Xi-xiao wants the master "

Xiao speaks, dripping saliva from the edge of her small lips; while with their eyes they beg Bao Zhang not to stop.

Bao Zhang feels the lascivious scent of his Xiao, and knows that his Xiao seems ready to move to the next level.

He put his hands inside Xiao's wet panties, and he feels like everything inside is already wet.

"Nya! Ah! ~ "Xiao lets out a moan, feeling the hands of her master on her private parts.

His hands begin to move over Xiao's vagina, and he begins to rub it slowly.

"M-master~ ah! nn… nya~"

"How does Xiao feel?"

"Hmm ~ lt feels... Nn ~ ah! lt-lt feels ~ good... ah! "

Upon hearing that Xiao is feeling pleasure, Bao begins to rub more intensely on Xiao's slippery pussy.

"Nya!~ ah! m-master~"

A tide exploded over Bao Zhang's hand, soaking it completely.

Xiao in her excitement, embraces Bao Zhang and kisses him intensely.

Bao could no longer wait, unbuttoned his pants and exposed his cock, rubbing against Xiao's panties.


Bao kissed Xiao intensely for a long time, and when Xiao reached the limit of holding her breath, she exhaled and at the same time Bao slid his tongue inside.

"Puhaa… haa haa… umuuu…"

As the inside of her mouth was intensely violated by Bao. Contrary to what would be expected, Xiao became more lascivious, beginning to rub herself, her crotch against Bao Zhang's cock.

Bao with his hand, slid Xiao's panties to the side, and allowed his cock to make direct contact with Xiao's pussy.


Xiao continued lasciviously moving her crotch, but unlike before, this time rubbed her crotch directly against Bao's cock, making Bao's cock soak in the juices of love that came out of her pussy.

"Haa haa ... master ~ master ..." Xiao called him several times.

And Bao adjusted his cock against the juicy crack of Xiao's pussy and ... he push.

"Haii !!?"

The cock suddenly entered Xiao's pussy, and ended up crashing into a membrane. As a result, Xiao let out a strange voice. The sudden stimulation confuses her.

"M-master ... ah! what- ... hmm ~ ... what is that? ~ "Xiao asked in bewilderment, as she moaned because of the strange pleasure she had never felt.

"My Xiao, this is done when we are having sex," Bao Zhang replied warmly as he stroked her head.

"Sex ... ah ah! ~ ... is - is this sex..hmm ~" Xiao murmured with difficulty, as she slowly looked down, where she was feeling something seemed to go inside.

Xiao opened her cute eyes of surprise, when she saw how in her private place, the important part of her master had entered.

"Ah! ... master ... nn ~ did the master enter inside me? ... ah ah~" Xiao innocently asked, since she did not have much knowledge about Sex.

"Not yet, but I'll get inside my pretty Xiao"

"ah!... master..hmm~ah ah master..."

Bao Zhang returned to caress Xiao's hair and approached her face with a tender smile: "Xiao, can you let me in inside Xiao?"

"Ah! ~ Y-yes ... master ... nn ~ can enter inside of me ~"

Obtaining the permission of Xiao, Bao began to circulate his technique of cultivation in Duo, this avoided that his pretty Xiao suffers of a great pain during her loss of the virginity.

[Here I go!]

Bao Zhang's cock forced and broke the weak membrane and entered inward. Stealing Xiao's virginity.

"¡Ukyuu ¡?"

The tip of the glans penetrated deep into her pussy quickly, and Xiao lets out a strange voice again.

In a moment, Xiao's body felt her master's cock be in the depths of her, her body it began to warm up and her pussy tightened abnormally.

"Hugg!" Bao moaned a little and clenched his teeth to endure the pleasure that Xiao's tight pussy gave her. Grabbing strength with his hips, he started to pull his cock back.

"Haah! ... Nya !!"

As she felt her master's cock begin to move back, Xiao felt an intense unknown pleasure that made her scream with pleasure:

Xiao's pussy again overflowed another tide of juice, making this softened the insertion of Bao's cock.

Bao looked at Xiao, whose moans began to rise in pitch.

Putting his hands on Xiao's armpits, he sharply advanced his waist.

"Nyaa! ~~~"

His cock began to move fiercely with piston movements. Provoking an intense pleasure into Xiao, so much so, that to resist the intense pleasure she felt, she clung to the sheets tightly.

The bed shook with great oscillations and such recoil caused the pleasure they were experiencing to increase.

"Na! Na! Naa !! Something! Master, something! Something comes !! ~ "

"Xiao, leave it, let it out!" Bao Zhang clenched his teeth as he increased the strength of his hips. Making the entrance of his glans with more force, reaching the door of Xiao's uterus.

"Haah!! ¡Nha! Master~ c-cumming…this, is amaxing!~ Master~ Cumming…I´m scared, I´m scaaared"

"lt´s alright. Xiao. I am here so. That´s why, here!!!"

Bao Zhang started repeatedly banging on the door of her uterus!

"Kuhaah!!! Nyaaa!!~~"

"Cum, I am here so. Cum Xiao!!! I will help you!!!"

Xiao shed tears of fear at the strange sensation that was growing inside her.

And then, as if seeking help.

"master! master!!!~"

Called him. She did it to be heard.

Throwing her arms around Bao Zhang´s neck, she entwined her legs around Bao Zhang´s waist while.

" Master! I´m scared! Halp me, master!! Nhyaa!!"

" Xiao !! lt´ll be fine so !! Cum!! Cuumm!!"

Bao Zhang accelerated the movements of his waist * Zuchu zuchu *, his cock fiercely banged on the door of Xiao's uterus, threatening to enter the uterus.

* Guu guu! *, Her vagina closed as if she had convulsions.

And matching that, Xiao closed her eyes tightly and a voice that seemed to be squeezed from the back of her throat came out.

"Master! Aaaaah!!! Cu-…mmingggg…Ahhh!!!"

With all her body convulsing, as the flesh of her pussy tightened, Xiao reached her first orgasm.

She screamed * Master !! Master !!! * While clinging to him.

she ended up cumming!

Bao Zhang also, at the same time as Xiao * cumming *, he clenched his teeth and took one last blow with his cock, weakly opening the door of Xiao's uterus, and released all his cum inside!

Filling Xiao's uterus with his semen.