An unsolved mystery.

"Take the black sword for himself?" Bao asked puzzledly. As it is possible that a simple wicked magician who at that time only as much could be in the Mortal Kingdom, has been so brazen to declare his own a sword that possibly belonged to the demons as his own.

Librarian Honoka nodded, confirming Bao's question.

"That day, the evil magician got drunk with alcohol, went to where the Black Sword was with the intention of taking it, while other cultivators followed him to see how the evil wizard who was hated by others died, due to his malicious acts"

"He died?" Bao asked.

But to Bao Zhang's surprise.

The librarian shook her head.

"Did not die. The evil wizard survived "

"What ?!" Bao Zhang exclaimed in amazement.

"The evil magician survived after touching the black sword, but the following week he died. They say that during that week that he was alive, the evil magician had gone completely crazy after touching the black sword "

"Did him go crazy?" This made Bao Zhang frown.

"Yes, they say he had gone completely crazy, he was always scared and paranoid, he began to mutter strange things in the air, and also mention ... the existence of the World of the Gods "

Upon hearing the words of librarian Honoka, a cold glitter shone in Bao Zhang's eyes.

"Him said single that?"

"No ... this evil magician was completely crazy and was muttering a lot of things, saying things about the survival of the beings of evil, about the world of the gods hiding the truth and that there was a third involved"

Bao Zhang felt a chill down his back at these words. What did these words mean?, the survival of the beings of evil? Perhaps the demons have still survived, but, how? This does not make sense, the sword fell before the war of the gods and demons happened, then as it is possible that it mentioned the survival of the demons. Unless…


I was the one who is ahead of time and the sword fell after the war!

It was the only way it could be to mention the existence of the demons 998,000 ago.

The sword fell to this world after the war between gods and demons took place. And he was participating during that war. But as he remembers, no more than 800,000 had passed since the war.

So, how many years has it passed since my death?

And what did the following mean...?

The world of the gods hid the truth, and the involvement of a third party, What does it mean? What hidden the world of the gods? And what is the third involved that is mentioned?

Bao Zhang was the one who had more knowledge about the war that took place, since he participated in it and, for that reason, was the one that got more confused.

He had no idea what those two words refer to. He could only sigh in disappointment.

[I guess it does not make sense to think about this now, until I get back to the world of the gods]

"Do him mention anything else?" Bao Zhang asked.

The librarian shook her head.

"This happened thousands and thousands of years ago that is considered a legend, it is fortunate that there are still records of that, finding more information than what is written in the books would be impossible"

Bao Zhnag could only give up, although he did not find information on how the world of the gods was now, after his death. Unexpectedly found information of a possible conspiracy that occurred during the war between gods and demons.

Turning his eyes towards Honoka librarian, Bao Zhang asked:

"Is it mentioned where that black sword fell?"

Bao guessed that if the event of the black sword was so shocking as to write it in the records.

Then there should be record of the information about the place where the black sword fell, right?

"That is also one of the mysteries of this legend. Since many records have been found around the world that mention the legend of the Black Sword, but the strange thing about this is that the specific place where the black sword fell is never mentioned. For thousands of years, different cultivators have explored the world looking for the supposed black sword of the legend, but so far no clue has been found. This is also the cause of much questioning the credibility of this legend, only very few cultivators still believe that this legend is true, and they remain looking for the supposed black sword not yet found"

Bao Zhang frowned. How is it possible that the place where the black sword fell is not mentioned? This is very extrange.

This is getting weirder, Bao Zhang was even sure that he would also doubt the credibility of this legend if it were not because the World of the Gods is mentioned.

Bao Zhang was about to finish the conversation and thank the librarian Honoka for informing him of all this.

But then she spoke again:

"Now that I've told you all this, I want you to tell me something"


"How is it that you ... know about the world of the gods?