A week later (R-18).

It's been a week since my cute maid Xiao gave me her virginity.

And 16 days since I reincarnated in this new body inheriting the memories and identity of the previous Bao Zhang.

What have I been doing during this week?

During this time, I have been going to the library to study a little more about the outside world outside the Sect of the Golden Sword.

I have realized that the Sect of the Golden Sword is far from the other Sects, empires or the rest of the world. It could be said that the Sect of the Golden Sword is one of the Sects farthest from the outside world, So much that to get to the first nearby city you have to travel 4 whole days.

No wonder that in Bao Zhang's memories there was almost no information about the outside, it is likely that he has never left and always stayed within the Sect.

Also, during this time I managed to get close enough to the librarian Honoka, or at least she treats me like a distant friend.

While librarian Honoka continues to maintain that cold stare, Bao Zhang knows that cold stare is not as cold as everyone else thought.

At least she does not frown when she sees me, or well, she's still frowning, but not as much as before! That is an advance.

As for my mother Qiuyue, for now I has not received any message from her.

He is still waiting for her to organize her feelings for him, and then it will be the moment where Bao Zhang plans to go and take her back to him, attacking when the iron is hot.

And as for my cute maid Xiao.

Bao Zhang looks down, seeing how underneath his sheets a bulge is seen moving up and down, and lewd sounds are heard coming out from under the sheets.

When opening a small opening, he sees his cute maid Xiao completely naked under the sheets, doing a fellatio to his cock!

As in these days, Bao Zhang has tended to sex with his cute maid Xiao, all this week. Recording in Xiao's little pussy the shape of his cock, making his maid Xiao remember the taste of his cum and training her how to move his waist to swallow better his cock.

Bao Zhang has converted his cute maid Xiao into his completely possession .

I also ordered her, so that Xiao learned the taste of my semen, that he should perform a fellatio before going to sleep and when she wakes up in the morning.

Although, I did not expect my cute maid Xiao to become addicted to swallowing my cock. coming to wake me up in the mornings with his fellatio of the morning, even without I had ordered her to do so.

To congratulate Xiao on her progress, Bao Zhang holds his maid Xiao's cute head with his hands and pushes his cock into the deep part of her mouth, causing Xiao's eyes to blur with emotion and she struggles to swallow more of his cock of her master.

My cute maid Xiao is already a masochist!

She wants to be raped, forced or subdued by her master Bao Zhang!

Therefore, Bao Zhang no longer stops, and pushes his cock harder inside Xiao's mouth, and abuses her.

Xiao only shows pleasure in her eyes by having her mouth violated by her master, and she tries her utmost to swallow even more the cock of her master, and move her tongue inside.

"Xiao, I'm going to cum!"


Bao Zhang begins to release his thick cum again inside Xiao's mouth.

* Gulp * * Gulp * Xiao's throat moves as she swallows all the cum from her master, which is released inside her mouth.

Bao Zhang fondly caresses Xiao's beautiful hair, to congratulate her for swallowing all of his cum.

"Well done, my pretty Xiao, how was the taste?"

Xiao takes the cock out of her mouth, and with her tongue cleans the semen that is on the tip of the glans and swallows it, savoring it slowly.

Then she swallows the last trace of semen, and thanks her master with a flushed face:

"Thanks master for the breakfast, it was delicious"

Bao Zhang returns his cock to Xiao's lips:

"Do you want some more, Xiao?"

"Yes master ~" Xiao returns to take the cock of her master to her mouth, and begins her fellatio again.


Bao Zhang leaves his house, completely refreshed.

He had to take a bath with his cute maid Xiao, in order to get rid of the sexual smell he had on himself.

He was about to leave, when suddenly he felt something behind and looked around.

There were only bushes and trees.

[Would I have imagined it?]

Frowning a little, Bao Zhang begins to feel the wind passing around him. And with his nose he smells the air, as if looking for a certain smell.

[I see ...] A slight smile goes up his face.

Then he advances, and leaves calmly as if nothing happened.

Behind, in the bushes that Bao Zhang had previously looked at.

After him had left.

The bushes began to move, a hidden figure emerged from the bushes and followed the direction Bao Zhang had left.