Assassins vs Bao Zhang.

After Bao Zhang left the Crystal Tower under heavy rain.

He walked for a while through the External Section while covering himself of the rain with his hat.

His black tunic of Internal Disciple had become wet, his body was somewhat cold and only the sound of the heavy rain surrounded him, making him look like a lonely man wandering in the rain.

But, the green eyes of Bao Zhang covered by his hat, glow with intent to fight, while a slight smile appeared on his lips.

Since he left the Crystal Tower, he had noticed that a small rat was following him.

Bao Zhang could detect the small murderous intention of the stalker rat, this intention he had experienced many times, so he quickly recognized it;

(An assassin eh ... Why is he following me?) Bao Zhang wondered as his evil smile grew on his face; (I do not know why you're following me, small rat, but you're perfect for me to play)

He stopped his steps...


"Eh? He stopped?"

The killer who was following Bao Zhang was surprised to see him stop in the rain, showing no sign of moving forward; (What's wrong? Did he detect me? No, a simple Soul Realm should not be able to detect me!)

The Assassin used the heavy rain to hide his presence and sound.

(But ... if I manage to kill him now ...) The murderer showed an ugly smile, while the murderous intent in his eyes grew; (If I can kill him now, we'll have finished the order!)

Slowly, he came stealthily approaching with a sharp knife in his hands towards Bao Zhang by your back.


The assassin suddenly accelerated to his maximum speed, while launching a killer blow towards the white neck of Bao Zhang!


*Wind blizzard!*

He hit the air!

"What!?" The Assassin did not have time to be surprised when he felt the pressure of a strong blow coming from his left flank; "fuck!"

He quickly used the momentum of his own attack to dodge the blow and escape!


In front of the Assassin, was the young black-haired teenager, wearing a hat and bright green eyes with murderous intent along with a friendly smile!

It was Bao Zhang!

For Assassins like them, killing an inexperienced youth and of Soul Grade like Bao Zhang should be an easy job, but they did not know ...

What, Bao Zhang is the most difficult murder target they have encountered.


"So you were the rat that was following me eh ..." Bao Zhang said with a pleasant and friendly voice while watching with interest the Assassin who was in front of him.

The Assassin seemed to have realized that Bao Zhang was dangerous, so he was with his vigilance to the fullest, while watching carefully any movement of Bao Zhang that could be an attack!

"Hahaha, come on, you do not need to look at me with that terrifying look, I'm not a bad person" Bao Zhang smiled, even more, when he saw how the Assassin was on full guard against him.

The heavy rain kept falling.

Swallowing some cold saliva, the Assassin smiled and spoke with a mocking tone;

"I do not think that someone who can detect me and dodge my attack is not dangerous. The first attack of a murderer is always the most dangerous... But you managed to dodge it and hit back. It would be foolish of me, if I did not consider you dangerous"

"Hahaha I will take that as a compliment"

Seeing the careless manner of Bao Zhang in the face of the situation, the narrow Assassin, even more, his eyes and his guard was raised to the maximum; (This boy is weird)

The Assassin adjusted the hilt of his knife while preparing for a possible difficult confrontation against the young man in front of him.

Bao Zhang finished laughing, and returned his attention to the Assassin;

"Hey, today I really want to have an exciting fight, are you alone? If you have partners, you'd better call him so we can have fun!"

The Assassin opened his eyes surprised at the words of Bao Zhang; (What's wrong with this guy!? is too weird! I should find a way to warn the Leader!) Was undecided about how he should proceeding; (Should I face the objective only? Or should I run away and seek the help of my companions so that we can all attack together?)

But while he was thinking about action to take, he suddenly remembered the young man's words; "Today I really want to have an exciting fight ... If you have partners, you'd better call him so we can have fun"


Quickly, the Assassin turned his gaze to Bao Zhang, and with an arrogant voice spoke; "I have companions who are waiting to kill you in the Forest of Tartars, bastard! Do you dare to come with me The Forest of the Tartars to have a fight with us?!"

"Oh, so if you have partners!" Bao Zhang smiled, as he watched as the Assassin was somewhat anxious to hear his response;

"Because I would not dare to accompany you to play with you!"


Pov Qiuyue:

Qiuyue woke comfortably at noon.

When she remembered how she had had sex with her beloved son the night before, she could not keep her face from flushing.

Clapping her cheeks to soothe her redness, she returned to her serious expression, put on her glasses, dressed in the clothes of the sect and left her room.

As she left her room, she found that her three daughters were already awake.

And Qiuyue noticed that two of her daughters were somehow acting strange, especially;

"Umi, is something wrong, your cheeks are very reddened?"

"Nya! no, no, nothing happens mom!" Umi jumped like a scared kitten, at her mother's question, while her face became even more reddened than it already was, so she quickly fled the place.

Qiuyue was surprised at her daughter's strange way of acting upon seeing her;

"Eh? What happens to this girl?"