Kuang Zhang.

The rain had stopped.

And the cloudy clouds that had lurked throughout the battle began to clear, revealing a blue sky.

It had been a long time since the battle ended.

But Bao Zhang was still lying in the puddle of muddy mud and water.

He just kept contemplating in silence admiring the blue sky...

He did not remember how long ago he had not felt so pressured during a battle. Except for the time he was besieged by dozens of horned gods.

What other time was he in such a difficult situation during a battle?

"It was ... when I was still in the 'Semidiós Realm' ..." Bao Zhang murmured with melancholy in his tone.

Not a month had passed since he reincarnated and took possession of this body, but it seemed as if it had been years since he had visited the World of the Gods.

How will the 'World of the Gods' be found?

Bao Zhang wondered, as images of several proud and distinguished women who had been with him came to his mind.

But he shook his head as he shook aside the melancholy feelings.

Anyway, now he was being Bao Zhang, a simple Internal disciple of the 'Sect of the Golden Sword', a simple cultivator of the 'High Soul Realm', a 17-year-old brat.

He could not keep thinking about the world of the gods that he left behind, he had to move on, and when he returns to being a God, then he can begin to think about the situation of the world of the gods.

Now all he had to do was continue to grow strong, nothing more.

Although to be a God again it will probably take years ...

Or maybe some tens of years ...

... Or maybe a few hundred years.


He could only sigh at the annoyance of starting again from scratch the world of cultivation.

While Bao Zhang was observing the sky, he remembered something;

"Now that I think about it, why were these Assassins targeting me?"

He only remembered that he has got into this battle to the death against these six Assassins because he was willing to have a good fight, but he had not stopped to ask why the Assassins were targeting him.

Rather, he had not even thought about it!

"Hahaha what an idiot of me, how did that happen!" Bao Zhang laughed at himself.

(How could I be so careless, hahaha)

Turning his eyes slightly, He saw the two corpses without their upper halves, lying on the ground.

He rose painfully. The 'Ferocious Tiger Technique' doubles muscle strength, but after the time limit is exhausted, muscular pains invade him.

Walking at a slow pace, Bao Zhang stood in front of the two bodies;

"Well, and now which of these two was the leader?"

Both bodies with their lost halves were lying in front of him, but the problem was that Bao Zhang could not recognize the Leader of the group of Assassins, since the halves that were missing were the top of their bodies including their heads!

"there's no other option"

No option, Bao Zhang records the bodies of both dead bodies and manages to obtain some documents from the body that seemed to be larger.

Opening the documents, Bao Zhang finds several pages with his information.

There they related his appearance, date of birth, eye color, hair color, height, and several other characteristics.

Although surprisingly, his mother Qiuyue is not mentioned.

Why is she not mentioned?

(Maybe they do not mention it so that the Assassins do not get scared of my mother) Bao Zhang supposed while he continued to leaf through the pages, and when he reached the last page he could not help but laugh.

There it was written that he was in the 'Initial Soul Realm'.

(hahaha I see, this is where they took out that I was still in the 'Initial Soul Realm', although it was true before I slept with my Mother Qiuyue)

But suddenly, Bao Zhang's expression changed, and his eyes became deadly frozen.

In the sender of the contract, there was signed by a name that Bao Zhang could not ignore.

It had the name of Kuang Zhang.

The name of his supposed father!

"I see ... that's how it was ..." Bao Zhang murmured coldly, as the murderous intent grew inside his eyes, he now knew who had ordered the six Assassins to kill him.

It was his damned father Kuang Zhang.

According to what was shown in the report contract, his father Kuang Zhang had hired these six Assassins offering him ten times the value, by his head.

Bao Zhang sloppily closed the report, put it in his clothe and started to leave the forest.

Leaving a cold voice echoing inside the forest while he was leaving;

"It looks like I should go visit the father ..."