Hai Lau(3).

Hai Lau...

A little girl who lived with her parents, but after their deaths, she joined the Sect of the 'Sect of the Golden Sword' along with her two older brothers.

And because of her beautiful appearance and tenderness, her two older brothers feared that she might mistakenly attract dangerous attention to herself, so they never let her out of her house. Both brothers made sure to bring everything Hai Lau needed, so she could continue to stay inside the house.

Hai Lau had always wanted to get out home and be able to make friends within the Sect, but her older brothers never allowed it, and time passed, until that two days ago.

Her older brother, Jingyin, was found in a terribly wounded state, his arms were broken, and both his legs were crippled.

The doctor who came to take care of her older brother Jingyin said that although her brother's life was not in danger. but his two legs were completely crippled and he could never use them again.

Her older brother Jingyi had become a cripple!

This infuriated her other older brother, Jin, who the next morning went out to find the person responsible for having Jingyi crippled. He went to find the servant and Internal Disciple Qian Qin!

Hai Lau being worried about her older brother Jin, so she went looking for him. and arrived at the situation they were in.

But when everything seemed to be lost, that voice sound.

"Oh, do you really think that nobody dares to go against you? Are not you being too arrogant?"

Hai Lau and Jin could not help but open their eyes surprised by the apparition of Bao Zhang, an internal disciple equal to Qian Qin!

'Why is he defending us?'

That question came up in both of them, but whatever the reason, it did not change that Bao Zhang had protected them and removed them from the dangerous situation they were in.

Jin remained somewhat suspicious to the reason why Bao Zhang went ahead to help them. but Hai Lau was the opposite, she looked at Bao Zhang with shining eyes of admiration towards her savior.

Giving a cute leap forward, Hai Lau bowed her head in reverence and respect for her savior;

"Thank you very much! This Hai Lau thanks the Sir for saving us!"

Bao Zhang smiles towards the cute and educated Hai Lau;

"Haha, what cute girl!" Bao Zhang praise, while with a big smile in the face, he caress Hai Lau's hair.

Hai Lau feeling the caresses on her hair, closed her eyes and enjoyed the caresses while smiling happily.

While that Jin frowned his eyebrows at how close Bao Zhang acted with his little younger sister;

'Do not you think you're acting too close to my younger sister!' Jin thought as his caution against Bao Zhang increased.

Rising painfully, Jin stepped forward and bowed slightly to Bao Zhang expressing his gratitude for saving them;

"Thank you very much for your help, sir!"

Bao Zhang shakes his hands carelessly, making it clear that he did not care for the thanks.

Hai Lau with her eyes reflecting curiosity gave another cute leap forward, while she asks;

"Sir, may I ask ... Why did you decide to help us?"

Jin sharpened his ears, that was the question he was also asking himself, so he looked at Bao Zhang while paying attention to his answer.

"Oh the truth I did it for you, Hai Lau"



Hai Lau shook her head in confusion. But Jin jumped on alarms, what Jin and Jingyi most feared, was that his little sister due to her beauty, wrongly attracted the attention of dangerous men, and now Bao Zhang had openly admitted that he defended them because she saw his younger sister Hai Lau!

Seeing Jin's alarm state, Bao Zhang smiled and waved his hands;

"Ah! wait, wait, it's not what you think, I was not referring to that, I want to take Hai Lau as my disciple! "Bao Zhang explained hastily.

"Disciple?" Jin was surprised.

Hai Lau was also surprised;

"Sir. do you want to take me as your disciple!?"

"So is! Hai Lau, do you want to be my disciple?"

Jin did not know what to say. Was not Bao Zhang too young to take disciples? But he also knew about inner and central disciples, who in spite of their short ages, decided from time to time to take disciples and put them to their care to gain followers.

Was Bao Zhang that kind of person? Jin wondered although he did not have much time to consider since he heard the cheerful voice of his younger sister.

"Yes Yes Yes! I agree! I want to be your disciple, sir! "Replied Hai Lau with enthusiasm and bright eyes.

"All right! Now me, Bao Zhang! I appoint you, Hai Lau, as my disciple! "Bao Zhang stated strongly.

Hai Lau immediately ducked her head;

"Disciple Hai Lau salute the Master!"

Bao Zhang nodded with satisfaction on his face, but then saw Jin's worried face.

"Oh, by the way, I heard during your fight with Qian Qin, that your younger brother was hurt, is that true?"

Upon hearing the question, Jin could not help but clench his fists with strength and nod with regret and sadness.

"That's right sir, my younger brother Jingyi was crippled by Qian Qin ..."

Hai Lau also under her head in sadness.

"Crippled...? In what part of the body has your brother been crippled? "

"On the legs sir"

"Oh then take me to see him, I have some medical skills, maybe I can try to cure him, and as Hai Lau's master, it's normal to try to help my disciple's older brother!"

Hai Lau and Jing opened their eyes wide, but then they became bright with hope.

Both immediately bowed;

"Thank you very much sir!"

"Thank you very much, Master!"

"Come on, come on, they do not have to bow" Bao Zhang waved his hand nonchalantly, as he continued;

"Better, take me to where their brother is, so I can try to cure him!"