Chapter 87:

The personality of the young heir master of the Zhang family continued to worsen, making the despicable fame of Huang Zhang being a libertine continue to rise.

Huang Zhang occasionally visited the brothels, while he began to abuse the prostitutes openly without restraint, which caused managers to apply high-price sanctions to Huang Zhang for mistreating their employees.

The fines had to be paid by the Zhang family, and when this came to light, the entire capital could not help but mock the Zhang family for having such a despicable heir.

Old Zhang burst out in anger at this, but more than enduring the taunts and trying to correct his son, he could not do anything else, since he could not have any more children, and now his only heir to his patriarchal position turned out to be, a despicable son.

Clearly, the other patriarchs and different families could see and shake their heads in sorrow for the Zhang family.

At this rate, the Zhang family is condemned to have as patriarch a despicable Huang Zhang, and there is no escape for that.

When the days seemed to continue with the depression of the Zhang family.

A piece of sudden news blew up the Zhang family!

Qiuyue is pregnant!

The whole family Zhang and Wu were shaken with this news.

Even the news reached Huang Zhang, who was in the brothel drinking alcohol. He was surprised to hear that his wife was pregnant;

"That damn bitch is pregnant! But how!?" Huang Zhang shouted as he did not remember having done it with her at any time to have made her pregnant.


Old Zhang also got up from his seat surprised by the sudden news and immediately called the great doctors of his family Zhang to go to attend Qiuyue, and secretly ordered secretly to identify if the child belonged to his son Huang or do not. since Old Zhang had lately been witnessing the despicable behavior that his son had been showing lately.

But to his surprise, the doctors confirmed through a special examination that the baby that was about to be born had the Zhang blood.

This made Old Zhang jump with joy.

It was a happy moment for the Zhang family. The Wu family also celebrated and Patriarch Wu sent several guards to protect to Qiuyue, so that no one would dare bother her or cause problems during her time of pregnancy.

But not everyone was happy ...


"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!! That woman, that damn bitch cheated on me!!"

Huang Zhang was completely enraged while he broke the vases and furniture in his room.

A servant who was kneeling to the side tried to calm him down:

"But young master, the doctors confirmed that the son belongs to your"

"Idiot, How can that damn child be mine!? If I never had sex with her! It's obvious that bitch cheated me, and wants to pass the child like my son!!"

The servant remained with the eyes in white when having no idea how to calm his master;

"But, young master, the tests done by the doctors cannot be falsified-"

* Boom! *

The servant could not finish speaking since he received a strong slap in the face that made him fall to the ground.

"I said I never had sex with that damn bitch! then, How is that child is my son!? Bastard, you also try to trick me into believing that this is my son!! I WILL KILL YOU!!" The enraged Huang Zhang rushed forward and began to hit the servant with all his might.

Time continued to advance until ...

The baby was born.

"The baby is a girl and she's completely healthy!" The midwife announced happily. Patriarchs Zhang and Wu jumped for joy when they heard that the baby was born healthy.

The matriarch Wu also smiled happily, but she had some guilt in her eyes, she had been attentive to the recent events regarding Huang Zhang.

And because of that, she was alarmed when she realized the kind of man that turned out to be Huang Zhang.

Huang Zhang turned out to be a completely despicable man, he was so despicable that he had become the misfortune of the Zhang family!

But why did Matriarch Wu feel guilty?

Liryn Wu, the matriarch Wu, felt guilty for not having stopped the marriage, for not realizing what kind of man Huang Zhang was. Even she began to blame herself for not being able to protect the only daughter she had left.

But now there was no turning back in time, now there was no turning back ...

The girl born was named by Qiuyue as Luxua Wu ...