Party at Hill villa (1)

It was late afternoon of the party at Hill family villa. Some people started coming, and Stella was welcoming them in.

Sarah looked at the people coming in the house, from the second-floor staircase landing, and frowned. She went to her room and closed the door.

"You are not in a good mood." Aiden observed and pulled her in his embrace.

"Yeah... what is there good about this?" Sarah complained. "Stella loves these gatherings. Me... not so much. Remember Andrea and Clara from Christmas? They will be here. Just when I think how they were shamelessly drooling over you, makes me want to smack them around. Oh, and let's not forget Ed."

They sat on the edge of the bed, and Aiden frowned. "The one with a crush on you?" Aiden's face darkened at the thought that Ed has some thoughts about Sarah.

"That's the one." Sarah confirmed.