Felix parked in the driveway of a single-story house. When Felix got out of the car. Sylvie glanced at Sophia and Sophia could swear that she saw Sylvie frown, but just for a moment.
Felix opened the door for Sophia. "This is mom's house." He helped her out of the car.
Sophia felt a relief that he is showing her attention, but her relief lasted no more than few seconds. She noticed him having an amused expression while facing the car.
Sylvie was still sitting in the car, obviously waiting for her son to open the door for her. Felix shook his head and smiled. He let go of Sophia's hand and went to open the door for his mother. As she got out, she clung to his arm and didn't let go. Sophia's hand curled into a fist for a second and she silently counted to ten and back.
"New flower beds?" Felix observed landscape in the front of the house.
Sylvie happily responded in French. Felix continued in French. Sophia lowered her head; she was all alone again.