Felix's father-in-law

Jeff is in JoAnna's room giving himself a pep talk in front of a mirror. "OK, Jeffrey... You can do this! He is just a man. Go and ask him what you need to ask and tell him what you have to say. When you hear his point, your brain will work brilliantly as usual and come up with a great response! And he will love you! And call you 'son'!"


Sophia got a message on her phone from Edward. "Dad wants to talk to Felix." Sophia mumbled, and sent a response that Felix will find him in few minutes.

JoAnna heard Sophia. "Dad had a talk with Jeff last night. Jeff was depressed after that, but he recovered quickly."

"Oh..." Sophia was rearranging her memories for few seconds. "Dad spoke with Felix when I told him that we are dating. And at work they interact without any issues. I wonder what this is about." Sophia got up to get a towel for Felix.