Wedding day (S&F) (3)

In Edward's study…

Felix, Jeff and Aiden are sitting on chairs facing the desk and looking at Edward.

Edward started: "I called you here to talk about something…"

He looked at Felix: "I am aware of the arrangement that you will not see my Sophia before wedding."

Edward glanced at Aiden and Jeff. "And you two were to stay with him for the afternoon and evening, all the way up to the wedding."

Felix, Jeff and Aiden felt uneasy. They didn't know what to say, or if they should say anything at all. Three of them shared a silent understanding that it's best to keep quiet and see what Edward has in the store for them.

Edward turned his monitor toward the guys and played number of videos.

Video #1: Felix climbing to Sophia's bedroom window, time: 12:47 AM. Sophia's voice was clearly heard: "What are you doing there?"