Wedding day (S&F) (10)

Felix and Sophia watched Edward leaving the dance floor.

Felix wiped remaining tear streaks from Sophia's cheeks with his palms, cupped her face and gave her a gentle kiss.

"I will take care of you.", he spoke in her lips.

"I know…", she smiled and returned his gaze full of love.

Felix took one step backward, away from Sophia, bowed slightly and extended his arm toward her, palm up. "Can I have your next dance, Mrs. Martin?"

Sophia was surprised. His charming smile and confident look told her that he prepared something for her. She nodded and placed her hand in his. Oh, how she loves dancing with Felix. And those dimples!

Felix nodded to the band and a livelier tune started. It was a piano introduction for few seconds before guitar, drums and rest of the instruments joined in.