Car lessons - day 1

Early morning, private jet landed on a long strip in New Mexico. The strip is actually a straight stretch of a racetrack which was used as a landing for the jet.

Sarah and Aiden reached with 'their kids' to the property which Edward created to feed his infatuation with cars. This is where Sarah learned to drive, and this is the only place where she can drive without worry as fast as the engine allows it.

The property has housing, machine shop for cars, and a racetrack which is similar to Daytona Speedway. It also has stables and horses. Staff here maintains property, house, and takes care of horses. There is one full time mechanic, Skipper, who takes care of the cars. When there is a need, Skipper will hire additional part time mechanics to help him out. That is how King got onto property last time, as a car mechanic. They would not know about this if Eve didn't go through security footage of Hill properties and matched him with ran facial recognition software.