Leasing office space (3)

Sophia is in the elevator and the lights are flickering. She is happy that she was holding onto the side rail when the elevator dropped, because that prevented her from falling. If she fell, she might endanger her baby.

Sophia was about to reach for the 'alarm' button on the elevator, when the power went off.

"Great! Just my luck…", she mumbled and pulled her phone. She grumbled some more when she realized that her phone does not have a signal.

Sophia thought that she has options of trying to get out, or to wait for help.

Considering her pregnancy, Sophia can't try anything too strenuous. She was looking up at the trap door, but there is nothing she can use to climb up and jumping is not an option.

Without power, any buttons on the elevator panel was useless.

She tried opening the elevator door with her hands, unsuccessfully.