Guests at the Cliffside Villa (5)

Dinner went relatively well.

Sarah's fear of not having enough food because of unexpected last-minute four people disappeared when she saw a full table of visually delectable dishes. The food was delicious and there was plenty of it. Again, she can only praise Aiden for selecting and training the staff.

Aiden and Sarah spoke a bit between themselves, but they mostly kept busy with food and wondered what motives these six people have to gather in their home. Sophia and Felix are invited, so it is not strange that they are here, but others… that's a different story.

Jarred didn't talk much. He was mostly observing people.

Charlie and Felix chatted like they are best friends. Charlie is familiar with mechanics and they found an intersection of interests.

Oscar and Edward talked in their usual reserved manner when strangers are in the vicinity, while Elanor and Stella chatted like no one else is there, mostly about the upcoming wedding.