Leaving the resort

~ Golden Ocean Resort ~

8:57 AM

Ellie is getting out of her resort suite, wheeling a suitcase and balancing one large bag on top of it while walking backwards. She regretted for keeping so many things and not leaving them with her assistants.

As she stepped into the hallway, Ellie's foot bumped into something and she got startled.

Ellie saw that she bumped into one of the largest bouquets of red roses she ever saw.

She kept her suitcase upright and placed the oversized bag next to it before reaching for the flowers. They look fresh… and there is a card…

There is not much on the card. An address, and time: 2:15 PM

One additional line: 'Wear red shoes, comfortable.'

Signed: 'Your boyfriend'

Ellie was not sure what her expression was, but she knew that all the emotions she felt are warm and fuzzy ones.

That line 'your boyfriend' made her lips form a smile so wide that her face ached.