Saturday's event at Kiani family's villa (1)

~ Chicago, Kiani family villa ~

Kiani family's villa is located in an upscale Burr Ridge neighborhood.

It's a majestic French provincial all stone villa located on 4 acres of land and separated from the rest of the world with a tall concrete wall all around it and a heavy iron gate at the entry. Lower floor of the villa is covered in marble floor tiles, and some areas are broken apart into intricate mosaics. The floor itself looks like a masterpiece. And what compliments the extravagant floors are large crystal chandeliers, super-tall ceilings and oversized windows which provide amazing views to the well maintained garden. The whole villa is custom made with luxury in mind and most of the lower floor is an open area, perfect for hosting parties.

"What's the rush?", one young lady asked another while stopping her.

"Didn't you hear? Jasper is here." The lady was not very patient. She is on her way to the powder room in order to touch up her makeup.