Relationships (3)

"I saw you talk to Haru…", Aiden told Sarah when he took a seat next to her.

Aiden's big smile showed her that he is in a very good mood. It seems that parents pampered him.  

"Mhm…", she confirmed. "We spoke about relationships… he wants to let Nala know that she is special to him."

"He asked you? Why not me?", Aiden grumbled in displeasure, but his playful attitude didn't fade away. "And you told him…?"

"To be respectful, kind, and to find ways to spend more time with her."

"What about holding and kissing?"

Sarah frowned and reminded Aiden: "Nala is a sixteen-year-old girl!"

Aiden grinned and bragged without thinking: "I held and kissed many sixteen-year-old girls."

His grin faded when he realized his mistake. Sarah is upset, and the thunderous storm brewing above her head is the proof!