Dealing with failures

~ Dallas, W Publishing ~

Marcus White is in his office. As a CEO of the 'W Publishing' company, he has a corner office on the top floor which provides a great view of the downtown Dallas.

Marcus is shaking in anger while reading the reports which are sitting in his inbox since early that morning.

"How it this possible?", Marcus hissed.

"What happened?", Jasmine asked while placing a fresh cup of coffee on his desk.

"Where were you?!", he snapped at her.

Jasmine looked at Marcus' furious expression and swallowed hard. Now she regrets that she came back to his office. If she knew that he would be in this state, she would stay in the coffee room until lunch or longer. But it's too late. She is already here.

"I just… got you coffee…", Jasmine said weakly.

Marcus narrowed his eyes at Jasmine. "You want to know what happened? All phase one attacks failed!"