Relationship advice to Oni (1)

Monday, June 8

4:28 PM

Sarah and Aiden are on the highway, driving through the France's countryside.

Sarah does not know where they are going (it's a secret), but she knows that Aiden has something planned and they will be back on 11th. Considering that on June 10th is her 21st birthday, Sarah knows that next three days will be filled with activities related to her birthday.

Sunday and Monday morning they spent in meetings with the Sigma army, discussing various topics related to coding patterns, hacking techniques and hardware improvements, but most of the time their focus was on the Ceresc Solutions.

Mishi, Emir, Petar and Lucija already confirmed that they are in. Emir asked to be the director of advertising (with focus on models), and Sarah and Aiden told him that anything is possible.