Mike vents his anger

Later that afternoon…

Mike is in the flower shop, buying flowers for Tiffany on his way back from work. He likes to surprise her once in a while with these gestures which put a smile on her face. And her smile is the brightest when she does not suspect it. After this, he will stop at a nearby grocery store and buy a bottle of wine. Wine, flowers… it will be perfect.

Tiffany told Mike that she will be late today because there is some creep stalking Emma and Charlie is figuring it out with Jeff's help. Mike wanted to know more, and Tiffany shared some details, how it's some Italian man named Bruno. She assured him that Charlie and Jeff are on top of it and that he should not worry about it but just in case: Tiffany will stay with Emma until the thing is settled.

Mike called Emma to hear what is going on, and Emma told him that Charlie has it under control.