Avenging Kitty's mother (1)

The next day, early afternoon…

They approached the first smaller base and Sarah and Aiden got two palm-sized drones out of their backpacks and one device which allows them remote control via Eve-lens. Here, in the forest, they don't have internet access, so they can't rely on Eve to navigate drones. Drones themselves can execute some simple actions, but they need someone to tell them which way to go.

Sarah and Aiden controlled one drone each, to go and scout the base. Their main goal is to confirm the number of people present and if they have any weapons. Based on that they can devise a plan.

Master Hollow, Bo, Souta, and Wing were watching in disbelief as the small toy-like things (aka drones) silently went up in the air and disappeared.

"It's camouflage…", Haru explained in a whisper. "They have cameras and Sarah and Aiden can see what they see. Think of them as motorized scouting units."