
After lunch, everyone gathered outside the villa. It is time for the Olympic games (with a twist)!

The planning committee (Nala, Oni, Imani, and Masika) came up with brilliant ideas for an active afternoon which will include events such as…

Archery. The competitors get to shoot at balloons which are filled with water. Who gets the most of them in the allotted time, wins. From weapons, allowed are bows and arrows, knives, or anything else as long as it's a long-ranged cold weapon. This addition in a variety of weapons was suggested by Masika.

The next event is hurdles, where racers have balloons attached around their ankles. The goal is to reach the finish line first, with balloons intact. For additional excitement: they can pop each other's balloons.

As a team event, there is a three-legged 400-meter race: two racers will have their legs tied together. It is a test of speed and coordination. This one is very popular with couples.