The Payne family arrived

Arthur, Gabriella, and Darlene are sitting in the sunroom.

The butler spoke to them after snacks and refreshments were served: "Let us know if you need anything else. Master and Madam will be with you shortly…"

The sunroom is made to stick out of the villa, so three walls are made completely out of glass, giving them a great view of the garden and the lake. Other than nature, they can see kids moving in groups who seem to be on some mission.

Darlene could not hold back her curiosity when she heard the chatter in the hallway. She walked to the door and spotted a lively group of teenagers.

"What are you doing?", Darlene asked.

"Scavenger hunt.", Julius responded cheerfully and hurried to catch up with Allen. They are excited, their clue is leading them to the study room, and it seems that they might need to crack open a safe! Julius still remembers how cool Allen was when he disarmed the bomb, and he does not want to miss seeing Allen open a safe!