A lesson for Ron and Zula (2)

Zula inhaled a shaky breath. No matter what, she needs to talk to Sarah, and the sooner the better.

Zula wondered, when would be a good time to talk? Nothing seems like a good time, and the longer she waits, the more anxious she will be, so Zula decided to do it now. It's six o'clock, and everyone is up and getting ready for training, if they are not on the training grounds already.

Zula is aware that Sarah likes to sleep longer, but Zula is not sure how long is that. Well, she can contact Sarah, and Sarah will get back to her when she wakes up.

Zula got her phone and messaged Sarah: "Can we talk? It can't wait."

She stared at her phone for some time and exhaled. Zula was about to keep her phone on the side, when she got a response: "Study. In ten minutes."

Zula scooted off the bed carefully. There is no need to wake up Ron for this. With any luck, she will be back before she wakes up. With a solution… hopefully.