Corey's prom (1)

"Hi, Corey…" Two boys said in unison when Corey and Merve approached them.

Corey nodded in greeting. "Victor, Samuel… This is my girlfriend, Merve. Merve, these are Victor Miller, the class president, and Samuel Wood, the class treasurer."

Merve did her best to focus on remembering their names and functions, and not to get distracted by all glitzy décor.

Victor was the first one to greet Merve. "Nice to meet you, Miss…" It was obvious that he wanted to hear her last name. In this place, people's values are determined based on the family they belong to.

Merve blinked and it took her a second to understand where he is going at. All kids at the Cliffside Villa use only their first names, but since he asked… "Miss White. I am Merve White."