Kids arrived

~ Eastern Europe, the base of the Lebedev Family ~

June 5th

The day started early in the morning with helicopters arriving from the Ceresc Solutions. After unloading equipment and passengers, the helicopters went back for the second round.

Jeff and Felix arrived with kids. Stella and Edward were ecstatic. They decided to keep the kids (and nannies) in Elder Milena's villa because it will be the most peaceful out of the three villas Sarah has access to.

Nala, Haru, Ron, and Zula arrived with the first round because they are helping with coordination.

Michael and Oni confirmed that they will come last. The two of them are making sure everything runs smoothly from the side of the Ceresc Solutions.

Sarah arranged for Nala, Haru, Ron, and Zula to met with Owen, Konstantin, and Vuk in order to decide on the allocation of people between the two villas.