The first date (4)

About ten minutes into the movie, Becca realized that she does not care about it. She never liked superhero movies; they are exaggerated with shallow characters. The only good thing was special effects, but after several explosions, the next ones look more-less the same.

Becca was too full to eat the buttery popcorn, so she ended up sipping soda.

To keep her mind busy, she mentally revisited the last few hours while trying to engrave every moment into her memory before it fades away. His expression when he gave her flowers, how he glanced at her during the car ride when he thought she is not looking, and the dinner.

Considering their almost-fight when they arrived at the drive-in movie theater, the movie part didn't start well, and this now is not very enjoyable. She would rather do so many other things that to lay on this hard hood of Gabriel's car and stare blankly at the movie while pretending to watch.