The second date (4)

Over dinner, Gabriel and Becca chatted about Gabriel's expectations for his future apartment and concluded that other than privacy and security Gabriel does not need much. In terms of space, a single bedroom apartment with one room that can be used as an office (or a study) will be sufficient, and anything more than that will be extra. 

Becca discovered one problem with Gabriel's plan…

"Do you know how to cook? Clean? Do laundry?"

Gabriel blinked. "I admit that I'm a hopeless case. Unless tidying up my desk counts as cleaning, I never did any of those three. I can order food or eat out... and hire a cleaning service that does laundry as well."

Becca rolled her eyes. "I thought you want to be independent. I'm not saying that you should not hire people to do chores for you, but part of being independent is to do things on your own."

Gabriel thought that it makes sense. "Will you teach me? We can start with cooking."