Team falcon (2)

In their room, Sarah tried to contact her sisters with the ear-stud, but she didn't get a response. She also sent a few queries to Eve through Eve-lens, without receiving results back.

Sarah and Aiden agreed to go for a walk in the evening, out of the range of the jammers, and to confirm if JoAnna and Sophia got Sarah's messages or not. They will use that walk to test if the range of their equipment is increased because Felix tweaked it to resist jammers.

Felix told them not to lose hope if the signal doesn't get through on the first try. There is a chance that specific areas in the base have different settings for the signal jammers, and there is also a chance that the settings are modified on given time intervals.

"Your communication attempts will be stored in logs and when you get in the range, I will get that information and make necessary adjustments...", Felix told them.