Three more days (1)

After a long meeting with Konstantin and Elders of the Lebedev family, Sarah and Sophia left them with several topics to think about, and a note that they will meet on the next day.

Aiden went to play with the dogs because he needed a break from anything mentally strenuous. Sitting in meetings is not something he is used to doing, and he found it suffocating.

Jeff went to continue his work related to the White corp., and the two Hill sisters went to check on JoAnna and her progress with Vasily.

"I am going through the results. Give me a minute…", JoAnna mumbled while staring at the computer screen. She pinched the roof of her nose, to release the strain that the last few hours brought on her.

After several endless minutes, JoAnna turned to her sisters and her expression was not good.

"Will you say something?", Sophia spoke, cracking under the suspense of the news that is about to come.