The gender-reveal party (2)

"How are you doing?", Jasper asked Aiden.

"Never better.", Aiden responded. "How about you?"

"It's OK. I'm taking it one day at a time. Are you excited about fatherhood?"

Aiden inhaled sharply. "Excited and terrified."

Jasper smiled. "That is how I felt."

"Does it get better?"

"Nope. It gets worse. The bigger they get, the bigger the worries."

"Listen to you, talking like an old man…", Jeff said to Jasper from the back and chuckled.

"Am I wrong?", Jasper questioned Jeff as they shook hands in greeting before they pulled each other into a man-hug.

"You are absolutely right.", Jeff confirmed. "The worst things are vaccines. You know they are good for them, but at the same time you can't bear watching those nurses pricking your baby."

Jasper nodded solemnly. "That is why I let Ellie take the kids for checkups. I was tricked twice, and after that, the moment the nurse comes to give shots, I wait outside."