Handling the traitor

~ Los Angeles, the main base of the Army of Chaos ~

Ivan woke up in an unfamiliar place.

He observed a room with bare walls which will be his home for the many months to come. There were no windows. In the room, he could see a bed, a small table with one chair, a toilet, and a sink… and nothing else.

Ivan had no idea how he got here. He remembered being in a room, in the basement of the main villa in the Lebedev family and this is definitely a different place.

The door opened and Noah entered with a tray of food.

"You have twenty minutes to eat before someone comes to pick this up.", Noah said stiffly to Ivan after placing the tray on the small table.

Noah glared at Ivan who scrutinized him in return. If it's up to Noah, he would peel Ivan's skin slowly and enjoy every scream that escapes Ivan's lips.