Meeting the Council (4)

"I expect that you will explain to me how the Council works and all the benefits I will get before we schedule the next meeting, or you can forget about me coming to meet these people.", Sarah said to Jarred. "If you want me to join your crusade for molding the world, you should incentivize me with benefits. Threats do the opposite."

"I will give you answers as long as it's not disclosing sensitive information.", Jarred responded honestly. He was troubled that the meeting turned this way. He hoped to impress Sarah with the Council and get her to agree eagerly, and this was not how he imagined that it will end.

"OK. Let's start with those golden medallions. What are they?", Sarah asked one of the questions that burned her curiosity.

"Every member of the Council has one. When you join, we will have one specially crafted for you. A medallion is an ID which proves that you are a member."