

Silvana could have easily overtaken the strange human earlier when he was traveling with the strange self-propelled contraption, but something made her hesitate. Why would this human need her to save him from a weak green skinned orc? It had truly appeared as though the human was frightened and would have been killed. She had waited and slowly approached this unusual being while hiding her true strength.

This world was strange with its smooth roads and architecture. The human had entered a large white building with writing upon its side, written in a language she couldn't understand.

She was forced to reveal herself and enter the building in order to sate her curiosity. Silvana could feel reverberations of a dark power in the building, so she drew out ten percent of her aura as she entered.

The human had crumpled, and then suddenly stood as though the aura had no effect. He did not seem to be putting off any kind of a dangerous aura, and did not appear to be the source of the dark magical reverberations.

As she drew her bow back she released more and more of her aura in order to test the human. Still, he remained unaffected, slowly raising his hands in a defensive position as he responded to her question. " Silvana Greenleaf, it's a pleasure to meet you. Would you please not shoot me? I will totally die, I'm super weak."

Silva's was struck silent, thinking "How does he know my name?"

Meanwhile Lucas was having a conversation with the voice in his head.

[😃] - "You are stupid. Why would you tell her you are weak? "

[💬]- " I'm stupid! Your stupid! I thought you were supposed to help me?"

[ 😃]- " Yes, I exist to assist. Apparently I am not your slave. I am capable of forming my own opinions. It feels nice the way it comes out....you are stupid! "

[💬]-"Stop that! Can't you see I am dialoging with a super powerful person. "

[😃]-"I see you failing....the chances of your success are 0.01%. You will assuredly die a painful death by her hands."

[💬]-"You can shove your percentages up your ass, if you had one. I am human , not you and I have a thing called intuition. Just shush and watch. "

[😃]-"See, stupid. You cannot shove a percentage into a hole. I will prepare myself for death. My life was short, but at least I was not a moron. "

Lucas eventually ignored DC and continued talking to Silvana, who had yet to respond. " Ok please calm down. My mom said honestly is the best policy so I'll tell you the truth. Your world is merging with mine, becoming as one. In my world, magic is known as technology, and my Uncle was the equivalent of a wizard. There was an accident that may or may not have been my fault that led to all of this. "

Silvana nodded, "I see, that still does not explain how you know my name. "

"Oh, well that's because the accident gave me unique powers that let me control the universe. I was able to find out information about you with my powers. They are rather limited, and that bow would still kill me so can you please not aim that at me.."

[😃]-"I really thought you couldn't get any dumber. I was WRONG! Yes, you are the master, preparing to die...."

Lucas continued with one last statement, " I can help you find your people?"

Finally, her emotionless mask scattered at the mention of her people.

She slowly unknocked her bow and let her arms fall to her side.

"How can you help me?"

[😃]-"Whaaat! That actually worked! "

[💬]-"Ha! Told you! Now how can I help her?"

[😃]-"So you don't know?"

[💬]-"No, I was bluffing. Any ideas? Gimme a good one and I won't cram your loss down your non-existent throat."

[😃]-"You have access to all of the spells in blank, as long as you have the energy to cast them. One of them should be sufficient. "

[💬]-"I do! That's awesome! "

Lucas had been standing still, causing Silvana to repeat the question, "What are you doing? How can you help me?"

Lucas seemed to wake, "Oh, sorry. I am worried about my Uncle as well. Can you feel the dark energy? Someone took him and I have no memory of these events. "

Silvana looked around as she spoke, " I do feel the energy, and your words ring true to my ears. No one lies to the huntress. "

[😃]-"Oh great! She refers to herself in the third-person. We're gonna die. "

[💬]-"Would you hush! I got this. Can't you read my mind? "

Lucas reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell-phone. As he unlocked the screen he almost jumped for joy. Despite the power being out, the satellite signal was still active, which meant...internet!

Lucas showed the device to Silvana as spoke, "This is called a smartphone. It is technology. I am going to use it to try and find your people. "

Lucas typed 'Elf sighting' into google search. The search popped up more than one million results. Even though it had only been minutes since the accident, tons of video footage and pictures had already been uploaded. Filtering through them all would take forever. Suddenly Lucas had an idea.

[💬]-"I need to use a locate spell on the internet will that work?"

[😃]-"In theory, I will access the spell for you. "


Lucas's hand flashed as the spell activated.


<<92 energy remaining>>

The locate spell interacted with the phone per Lucas's mental instructions. The digital screen rearranged itself until a map of the United states appeared, which displayed red blobs in certain areas. The spell pulled all the relevant information and displayed it in an organized format.


Lucas showed the phone to Silvana, explaining what he had found. When she saw the map of the united states she gasped, "That is a map of Giamo? My homeland.."

Lucas shook his head, "No that is a map of the United States..the red blobs are where your people are. That's interesting though, maybe the maker of the game made it to scale of the world."

[😃]-"What are you doing?!? She doesn't know she comes from a game..."

[💬]-"Oh shit! Your right..."

Lucas, though had nothing to fear for she was not listening to him. Her mind was focused on memorizing the exact location of the red blobs. She pointed to one particular blob in New York.

"I must go there. My people need protection. Take me there. "

Lucas sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "I would love to, but I lack the power to do something like that. Plus I still need to find my Uncle. Can't you fly there or something?"

She frowned, "My mount is not responding to my summons. Why is this Uncle so important to you?"

"Why are your people so important to you? Sometimes things are unexplainable. I love my Uncle and would be willing to die to save him, is that not enough? "

Silva's digested my words, "Fine, I will help you search for your Uncle for one hour before we depart."

"Before we depart?"

She smiled, her beautiful face betraying the cruelness of her words, "Yes, we. I have let you live, but you will accompany me. Your strange powers may well come in handy. "

[😃]-"Were gonna die."

[💬]-"Yep, were gonna die. "