Chapter 1;New World,Here I Come

Please read prologue first ☝


"Huh,Where Am I?"

I see myself lying on my back on a big empty plain full of grass and not even a single plant.The sky is pitch black instead of blue.Wait wait wait!Lets check what I remember last.

So I was Playing the new game MMORPG:WRAITH OF KINGS X from my cheat account then I played 10 Hours non-stop and then I went to toilet then when I went again to continue the game my hands were wet and when I placed my hands on keyboard I got an electrical shock and I fainted. So where am I now?

"So u Have awaken my boy" (Unknown Man)

I hear a hoarse voice echoing through the whole plain.The voice is kinda harsh and it is like the Transformer's Optimus Prime's voice.

"Umm,who are you?"(Waka)

"I am the God of Death,The Reaper of Souls,The Harbinger of Disaster, Shadow."(Shadow)

"So Why am I here?!"(Waka)

"Oh that was a mistake on my part,One of my minions what u people may call Shinigami by mistake reaped your soul before your estimated time."(Shadow)

"What was my estimated living time by the way?"(Waka)

"It was 18 years,0 hours,3 mins & 34 seconds"(Shadow)

"Means I had just 5 months left?"

I inquired while I was tense as sh*t


He said casually

"Okay so now what?I go to heaven or hell?"

I asked him while trying not to be impolite.

"So I have a friend.You people may know him as Truc*Ehem* God of Reincarnation so while coordinating with him I will give you 3 options my boy, First is to go through the regular trial to go to heaven or hell,Second is to get reincarnated in Earth as a baby without the memories ofcourse,And the Third is to get reincarnated into a Different world of swords and Magic with your current appearance and any 2 things u want and your memories.They can be anything that can exist in the mortal world"

He told me boastfully.

"Can I ask where am I right now ?"

I asked while making a question mark sign

"You my boy are in the Sub-Space I made on a whim when I was a Newly born God."

He replied bashfully

"So I choose the Third Option because I was always Interested in Reincarnation"(Waka)

I felt my otaku Spirit getting awakened

"I knew u would say that. Okay so what 2 things would u want?"(Shadow)

I pondered for a while taking in account my genius side and otaku side.I thought that I will chose one option from my otaku side and one from my genius side.Some people might think that I have dual personalities but thats not true.Its like my Brain is a full blown Nerd while my heart is Raging Otaku who thinks of himself as Dragon descendent. Or you may call me [Half Chuuni]

"The first thing I want is a GUI interface built right into my brain so I can interact with it like a game menu from the latest MMORPG I was playing."(Waka)

This was my otaku side on its peak excitement level

" It would have been difficult but The Elder gave you a supercomputer instead of brain So it will work out somehow.Whats the second wish?"(Shadow)

"Who is The Elder?"(Waka)

" You will know when the 'Time' comes"(Shadow)

Why did he put emphasis on the 'Time'

word?Nevermind.Lets continue

"The second is that you will teach me about that world.Their Language,customs,geography of land,traditions,countries,economic system,circulation of money and lastly The Politics."(Waka)

This was my genius side working in the peak condition.

"Well,He told me it would come to this One day,So I will give you 5 days and you can absorb as much education as you can from me"

I think he have a habit of speaking to himself every now and then.

"I can hear you"(Shadow)



[5 days later]

New world,Here I come