Hello guys I am a newbie author so please Forgive me for any mistake and Point it out in the comments so I may correct it.Now enjoy❤
<10:45 pm>
Ohh I finally see the a city. I am rendered speechless by the walls of the City.They are more bigger than the walls in Attack on Titan.No No no,I wasnt told this world is inhabited by Titans! There is a gate and guards are on lookout So I guess I am safe. The Mayor or whoever in charge must be the Reincarnation of
Jonald Grump.I have a sudden urge to sing the song 'This is America'.
Right now I am in my Nike's original tracksuit and the colour is black with a yellow ✔sign on its back.Wait,wont they be suspicious of me If I just jump out of nowhere in the middle of night? I must be careful. Lets wait for the morning.After sunrise I will go to the gates and manage something.Yes, lets do that.Lets make a camp first.But I want to eat something.I will just lie down on the grass and check various options for now.
Now that I remember,I didn't check Help options.Okay lets check that.Here goes nothing.
U can ask any 1 question from Shadow which can be answered to the mortals after leveling up 5 times.
So that's how it works.
Now that I think,Will I be able to meet a hot girl in this life after dying virgin in previous.Even though I am handsome with my Heteroatomic eyes,Which was pretty unual on Earth,It made me handsome but at the same time kinda freakish or unapproachable as a man.That is also a part of why people got flocked around me on Earth. My left Eye is Scarlet which I inherited from my mother's Aunt and other is black which is standard for humans. Enough about myself for now. I want to sleep but I don't really need to sleep as I have my stamina above 50.That shinigami told me that for humans it is normal to have 12-15 stamina for an average 18 years old boy or girl. Hehe..I guess I am spiderman now. The monetary system in this world is simple. Four types of coins are issued for use.Copper,Silver,Gold,Platinum. 100 coppers are 1 silver and 100 silver are 1 Gold but 10 Gold are 1 platinum gold,Dont know why though. If we keep in mind Earth's currency Than 1 silver is equivalent to $1 USD. Now I shall close my eyes to 'rest'.
~~~~~~~~~~`7 hours later`~~~~~~~
So I slept huh.Thank God I wasn't attacked by a monster while sleeping otherwise I would have been died again. Okay lets go to the city.Wow there is a big line here of carriages and other types of transportation system used in medieval era.Oh there's a separate line for pedestrians. Lets go there. Now here I wait for my turn. What a super sexy wood elf standing there. With a hourglass figure and a big cleavage showing. Every man is starring at her cleavage and their female partner is glaring at them. What a scareful glare. I am getting frightened even though they're not glaring at me.Anyways here comes my turn.
"Show me your identification papers" (Guard)
"Sir I was attacked by bandits and I just escaped barely with some clothes when they were drunk at night." (Waka)
"Okay no problem,we will issue you new papers,it will cost 60 coppers but you dont have money...okay you will owe me 69 coppers and I will pay for you but you must return it to me in 1 week."(Guard)
"Thank you kind sir I will pay them back as soon as possible.But which city is this?"(Waka)
"This is capital of Kingdom Dehkarain, Named after the kingdom Dehkarain. Now come with me to the guard's office, I will issue you papers there."(Guard)
I went to a wooden building beside the guard's post with the kind guard. I will ask his name later.Oh now when I entered, It really is a old building. Now we are going to a counter with an old baba sitting behind counter.
" Old man Zei, This lad here wants identification papers to get issued to him"(Guard)
" 'Kay boy. Youn' Lad, Come 'ere"(Old man Zei)
That is one creepy looking old man. For now I will just do whatever he says.
"Yes Sir" (Waka)
I say as I walk towards him.
"Do you know how to read and write?" (Old man Zei)
"Yes" (Waka)
" 'kay, Fill this paperwork for me,will ya'?"(old man zei)
Now I have to do his work???What a cunning old man!
Now that I look at the paper, Its just asking about me like an application form.
Birth Date:_________________________
Date of Issuing:____________________
Pretty simple right. The old man kept staring at me while I was filling the paper. He is creepy I am sure now. Lets just do what I am doing.
Okay all filled up now
Birth Date: 10-10-4E
Date of issuing:_______
The date of issuing will be filled up by old man Zei. And about the year,its also simple. After every 1000 years a new Era starts and In this world this is my birthday.
"Okay now wait for some minutes on that bench" (Old man Zei)
He said as he pointed at some chair type bench?! I will just do as he says for now
"Old man Zei, His fees is on me" (Guard)
so he spoke up after seeing me quitely for a while
"Again? You sure never learn huh. Here 'lad, your papers." (Old man Zei)
"Thank you kind sir" (Waka)
I once learned that buttering up these kind of people is super effective because they help us when we are in trouble.I took my Id papers and turned back while facing the guard said,
"Thank you again.You are a life Saver."(Waka)
" no need"(Guard)
Now lets get to Adventurer's Guild, Shall we