Chapter 1

"So cute!" Jennie scoff out a laugh as she hear her friend squeal in excitement. She continued to scroll through the cloths of Gucci, one of her favorite brand of cloth.

"Jennie! Can I have this!" Lisa, her friend rushes toward her.

She knew it.

"Sure!" She gives Lisa a big fake smile then gather the cloth hanged into her arm and hands it to Lisa.

"Help me to bring that to the counter. " Lisa's eyes changes at Jennie request but She knew better then to show her distaste expression if she still wanted to eat off Jennie's money, so Lisa gives a big fake smile as well.

After all, we are in this big fake world.

"Sure." Lisa replies and drops the cloth she got, carrying the huge pile of cloth Jennie picked out.

Jennie smiles in delight, seeing all her load off her shoulder then walks pass Lisa.

"Can I pick out more cloths." Lisa says following Jennie, trying to match up with Jennie speed even with the huge pile of cloth in her arms.

"Sure." Jennie replies and Lisa squeal in delight before rolling her eyes.

"Sure." She mocks Jennie in her mind. "If not for her rich family, shed be nobody." Lisa thought, that's what they all thought of Jennie anyway, a rich brat. Not just her but the rest of Jennie's 'friend' they'd sit together and talk shit about her but put a fake smile in front of her.

Jennie turns around and face Lisa with a smile which makes Lisa push her thoughts away and give a fake smile back.

"Pick anything you want." Jennie says and Lisa squeal in more happiness.

"Now this is what I like about this b*tch." Lisa thought with a fake smile still on her face.

"Such a irritating squeal, hope someone cuts her throat out." Jennie thought with a fake smile on as well.

Jennie brought out her credit card and paid for what she got then waited for Lisa to arrive with what she picked.

Lisa is one of her most loyal dog, she didn't act irritating as much as her other friends. The only thing she hated about Lisa was her stupid high pitch squeal.

Once Lisa arrived, She arrived with more cloth than what Jennie herself has bought. her hand piled up with cloths as she walks towards Jennie with a goofy smile.

Jennie let out a little scoff, leaning on the counter.

"You've got to be kidding me." Jennie thought in her mind.

"This is what I got. Hope it's not too much." Lisa grins happily, with a small grunt she places the heavy pile of cloth on the counter then let's out a breath of relief before adjusting her dress.

"Oh its not.. that much." Jennie replied with a smile.

"Its just the whole motherf*cking world b*tcb." She thought but reach out her credit card to pay for the cloth.

She practically owns everything in this mall anyway.

"Bring everything to the car." Jennie says after paying then walks out empty handed, leaving everything for Lisa to carry.

Everyone stare at her as she walks out, cause Jennie is perfect in anyway a perfect Korean should look like. She is everyone's ideal type but her behavior could be a distaste.

From her perfectly shaped face, to her cat like eyes, to her perfectly slim but not too skinny figure.

"So where are we going next?" Lisa heavy breathing voice spoke from behind Jennie.

Jennie turns around to reply but froze when she noticed Lisa is only holding two bag.

She looks Behind Lisa and see the rest of the bag held by three guard.

"Why aren't you carrying the bags instead?" Jennie snaps.

"Its too heavy, that-"

"But you didn't think about that when you kept picking cloth did you." The mall was owned by her father and it wasn't a bother having guards carry her shopping bag but this is the price Lisa has to pay for all the cloths she picked.

"Drop them and leave!" Jennie growls at the guards and they immediately bowed and walk away.

Lisa looked at Jennie in disbelieve, she just can never like Jennie but that's okay cause her revenge is coming Jennie's way soon anyway.

After seeing the guards leave, Jennie turns her glare to Lisa.

"You bring that to my house. Alone." She growls and walk away.

"Wha- you want me to take transport, Jennie!" Lisa rushes after Jennie with the two heavy shopping bag swinging in her hand and the remaining six on the mall floor. Jennie ignores her and continued down the elevator.

Growling in frustration, Lisa screams "B*tch!!" With all her throat but of course in a whisper, making sure Jennie or the whole mall won't hear her cause.

"Such a f*cking b*tch! I swear she should just wait! Rich for nothing brat." She grumbles on her way to back the loads of bag.

"Ugh! How do I carry all this! She'll definitely know if I call for a guard." Groaning in frustration, Lisa tries to carry two more big shopping bag in her hand but seeing the remaining four on the floor, makes her toss all the bag off her arm.

"Ais-" She then notices someone climbing up the elevator.

"Right timing nerd." She smirk, seeing Taehyung, one of the nerd in school climb up the elevator, his eyes scanning the mall then his phone as if he was looking for something, his face bruised as usual, but that wasn't Lisa's problem.


Taehyung looks around the mall, then at his phone, someone had said there is a job offer at the mall, he was getting anxious that he might be late for the job offer. The job interview ends at 7pm, he looks at his phone and sees its already 6:40. He has only a little time left, rushing up the elevator someone suddenly calls his name.

Looking around, he froze. His face slightly crunching together. This is not good.

Getting into a rich college as a scholar it seems like everyone wanted to tease and bully him, including Lisa.

Lisa isn't even part of the rich kids in school, she was just someone who lived in the neighborhood beside him, but she had rich friends surrounding her, and because of that it seems like she felt like she has the authority to bully him.

"Ya!" She calls him, bending her fingers in motion for him to come.

Scratching his forehead in annoyance, she watches the boy walk towards her in his usual awkward position of lower his head and having his hand on his knee.

Becky let's out a scoff. "What a wierdo." She mumbles to her self. If t

Taehyung wasn't such a weirdo, she would have find him attractive.

Remembering the first time, he arrived to their neighborhood, she had actually first find him weird because of how shy he was but everytime she'd see him come out of his apartment to go to the convenient store and everytime she sees him in the convenient store, she slowly started to find him attractive, his shy and quiet behavior started looking cute to her but after he transfered to her university as a scholar, he messed up everything with his nerdy behavior when he made a fool of her by answering the question correctly when she couldn't get it which everyone used to mock her.

After that, since the first day of school, she had the need to bully him, and her friends were lovely to help her in teaching him a lesson when they embarrassed him in the boys bathroom, and soon everyone started bullying him.

"Annyeonghaesayo." He bows down even though he is actually a year older.

"Hmm, annyeong." She greets him in distaste, folding her arm, not bothering to hide her irritated face expression.

"Take all this down into a taxi, okay." She orders then gives him a fake smile.

"But.. I" Lisa glares at him, noticing he is about to object.

"But? No but. Just do it!" She snaps at him and rolls her eyes in annoyance.

She hears him let out a small groan but he immediately puts his phone in his back pocket and starts to carrying the shopping bag.

Finding a bench to sit on, Lisa brings out her phone and starts texting her boyfriend who is also Jennie's boyfriend.

Jennie may have the money but she has the behavior every boys want. She knew how to give them what they want.

Jennie is perfect but so was Lisa, the only thing she lacked was the luxury. But that didn't stop Lisa from making sure she has everything Jennie has if possible more.

Sehun: Babe, there is an emergency, I need you here Asap.

Frowning at Her boyfriend message, Lisa replies.

Lisa: What? What's going on.

Sehun: Just come! Asap!

They had a plan, and she was getting scared that their plan was going to get ruined.

Jennie is going to have a engagement party today, though Jennie hide it from everyone, she didn't hide it from Sehun, cause of course even if Jennie is coldhearted, she still fell for Lisa's boyfriend.

Sehun was Lisa's first but seeing how Jennie showered Sehun with goods, she agreed to have him date both of them, secretly from Jennie.

The only problem is today, Jennie wants Sehun to ruin her family engagement party.

Groaning, Lisa looks up and see Taehyung carrying the last two bag.

Standing up, she walks towards Taehyung with her arms folded.

"I need you to do something for me. The three bag with the blue tag take it to my apartment, Give it to my sister and the other three with the pink tag take it to this address." She extend her hand out for his phone while he stares at her dumbfounded.

"But.." He pulls his phone out then checks his phone. "Ah.. No." Running his hand through his hair in frustration, he lowers his head.

Lisq slowly takes his phone from his hand then types in Jennie's address while he stays frozen in his distress state.

"Don't know what going on with you but take the bag with the pink tag to this place." She slowly places the phone back in his hand.

Since he still had his head lowered, she decided to just leave.

"Bye." Touching his shoulder she then walks away and rushes to find out what's going on with her boyfriend.

Meanwhile, Jennie looks at her wristwatch, wondering what was taking Becky so long.

"What's taking her so long." She stands up from the couch and sits on her bed, she didn't want to come out of her room since many people where scattered preparing, since today was a special day, well not her lucky day.

Pulling out her phone, she texts her boyfriend.

Jennie: Where are you, you are suppose to Interrupt the stupid engagement

Her parent had set her up with their investor's son for engagement, she's been trying to stop it for months but it seems her parent were not having no for a answer.

They didn't even know she has a boyfriend and didn't bother asking and just brought her into the engagement.

Her plan was to introduce her boyfriend and change the engagement party for her and the investor's son into the engagement of her and her boyfriend.

At least, she didn't mind getting engage to Sehun, he was everything she needed, he was her type and always made her heart flutter, he knew how to make her feel different ways when he touches and kisses her, so she definitly had no problem being engage With sehun. They didn't have to marry in a speed, many after college then they can get married

She didn't want any of her friends to know, because this wasn't a news she wanted people around her know.

She was feeling anxious about her decision or prank on her parent's party. She always went on shopping when she is feeling nervous but it seems like the shopping did her no good since her company was just an annoying fake friend who for some reason was acting really annoyingly stubborn and clingy nowadays.

Biting her lips anxiously, the sound of her little doggy makes her look down with a big smile.

"Ah Yena!" Picking up the small brown chuwawa puppy, she places it on her leg, rubbing its head. The small dog moves comfortably towards her. "Have you eaten Yena?" She asks in a cute puppy voice.

"Mam, its time to prepare you." A maid walks up to her.

"Alright.." Jennie replies then place the puppy down, standing up and following the maid to the dressing room.

Their house is extremely huge, So her parent always threw party or event in the house.

They extended a huge space room and made it even bigger to make it look like a event area.

It was most of the time empty with the chairs and table covered in white cloth but she was sure today it would look different especially with the way people kept coming in and out of the big room with different design furniture, different recipe, expensive cups and plate.

Once she entered her dressing room, three stylist immediately stands to their feet, preparing her tools and make up.

Not bothered with how crowded the room was with even a lady with a camera, Jennie sits on the chair in front of the mirror.

Everyone started working on her hair and make up.

After her stylists finished on her make up and hair, they turn her chair towards her dress.

"Are you prepared for your special day." Her stylist says, running her hand through Jennie's hair.

"I'm.. Not."

🔆V O T E A N D C O M M E N T🔆