chapter 16

The old woman started to hear banging on her door and she starts to stir. Her old bones will not let her rush as she returns to her feet.

Grandma walks to the door and opens it.

It was a neighbor at the door with a look of horror on his face.

Grandma spoke," What is wrong?"

The neighbor spoke,"Your family has been chased by gang members and they are nearing the neighborhood.!"

Grandma rushed unto the stoop in front of her house and sees that the entire neighborhood is out on the street with weapons in their hands of various sorts.


McDonald and Wendy were running into the neighborhood as the thugs were still chasing behind them. They somehow managed to lose the remaining three thugs and they had ran up to right up in front of grandma's stoop.

Grandma screamed out of horror at McDonald," Behind you!"

McDonald did not have the time to look behind him. The father had to make a decision.

The father shoved Wendy into trash can to the left of the stoop and he tossed his boy at his mother. Grandma was knocked unto her butt as she desperately grabbed her grandson into her arms.

McDonald did not have time to get himself to safety.

A blood curdling scream can be heard for miles.

Once everybody comes back to their senses, everybody screams out in horror.

McDonald had been crushed by a car and he was pinned against the raised side of the stoop.

Blood was covering all over the side of the stoop and was dripping unto the ground at the sides of concrete steps.

Joe was on top of his father's shoulders when they at length reached their neighborhood. They run over to Grandma's stoop that was in front of her house.

Grandma was top of her stoop when she her son, McDonald and her daughter in law was running towards her house as well.

McDonald did not have the time to look behind him. The father had to make a decision.

The father shoved Wendy into trash cans to the left of the stoop and he tossed his boy at his Grandmother. Grandma was knocked unto her butt as she desperately grabbed her grandson into her arms.

Grandma bursts out into a barrage of sheer horrified screams.

The young Joe tries to turn around to see what had happened to his father. Grandma grabs her

grandson to keep him from witnessing the horror of his father lying died on the top of the stoop

as she had been to witnessed. She had wanted to keep the sight from him so that Joe will not be scarred for life.

The boy fought his grandmother's grip so that he could run to his father's aide. The boy was too young to comprehend that his grandmother was trying to protect him from further harm.

Wendy manages to regain her senses when she sees her husband lying died on his mother in law's stoop.

She wretches out vomit all over the ground at her feet. She puked up everything that was in her stomach and it was now laying on the trash filled ground. Wendy had been covered in garage as she was pushed out of the way of the speeding car.

The boy starts to fight harder, when he hears the cries of his mother and his Grandmother begins starting to lose the struggling with the young boy.

The thug driving his sports car, Bubbles puts his frivolous car in reverse and parks about ten feet away from the bloodied scene.

The boss gets out of the car and begins to curse worse than a sailor.

The boss screams out of horror,"Bubbles, what have they done to you?"

Blood, bones, and guts were covering the previously all white car. The front grill of the car was broken as well as the left head light. The two others thugs got out and they are scared speechless that junk is now going to hit the fan. The the self named gang boss begins to scream at the top of his

lungs while with alternating cussing wildly.

The thug begins to lose what little mind that he had left.

The boss runs back to his trunk and he opened it with his electric key.

The boss spoke,"Let's us kill the @#! Grab all the guns you can carry and let us kill the


Joe can hear the thugs mention guns and he then breaks free of his Grandmother's hold. It would have been better if had stayed turned around pressed against his Grandmother's side.

The thugs begins to fire upon Wendy and she filled with hundred of holes by the gun fire. She is knocked into the bricked wall of Grandma's house. The thugs keep firing upon Wendy as she fall down onto her rear end, while blood is drench over the walls behind her.

Grandma and Joe are standing like mannequins in a store display as they are horrified by the sight of Wendy being murdered.

Joe faints as he sees his mother being killed as well as the sight of his father laying dead on the side of the stoop.

His Grandma runs down to try to keep him from knocking himself out from the fall. She somehow grabs up Joe before he can hit his head on the old concrete steps.

Grandma breaks out in tears as she sees what has happened with her family. She was beyond the words to even pray for help from God.

She begins to pray in some unknown language.

Grandma always believed and practiced that God's spirit would comfort His Children, especially when they were unable to express what was wrong to God. Grandma was now praying in a language that only God and his angels could understand.

The thugs begin to laugh at the old woman's prayers as if it was some kind of hilarious joke to them.

Big Mack gestures his underlings to the stoop and the two thugs begin to climb on the stoop.

Grandma was completely oblivious to the danger around as she prayed for deliverance from God.

What the fainted Joe and Grandma did not know was surrounded by the two thugs with an Uzi

in each of their hands.

Grandma was praying loudly as the two thugs surrounded her menacingly, in wait of the kill

that is too come.

The Boss yelled,"Kill those two punks quick so that I can get Bubbles to the Mechanic! She had been hurt so badly and she needs to be treated!"

Mack leaned on the side of sorts car and holds it like a parent holding am injured child. It just showed the mess up nature of this thug's warped mind.


The two thugs were busy telling jokes that they did not see that Joe had somehow left the scene unseen.

Before the two thugs could attack they were stop by a large naked black man, and he punches the thugs in the chest at the same time.

The naked man ripped the thugs' hearts out of their chests as a hot knife through butter and throws the hearts unto the hood of the nearby sports car.

The remaining thug is shocked by the sight of having two still pumping hearts making a pool of blood on top of the already damaged car.

He pulls the triggers on his guns but to his horror there was no bullets left in the gun!

The naked man was at least seven foot tall and weighed about three hundred pounds. He towered over all three of the thugs by head and shoulders.

The streaking man picks up the groom that Grandma had dropped on the steps. He runs towards

the remaining thug with the thug.

The boss screams," Oh crap" as the naked man prepares to strike the foe."

The thug had his head knocked off his shoulders as the broom handle explodes into splinters of


The decapitated head is blasted by the impact of the broom handle across the neighbor circle

into a neighbor's front room window.