chapter 22

Pete was like a breath of fresh when he entered her life and she cherished his company. she had no disease but was far into a pregnancy, when she first spoke to the young teenager. She waited to see what he looked like, but she believed falsely that Pete would curse her if he saw her.

Pete was such a nice boy to her despite being nearly murdered and gave the young the positive attention that she had always craved all her short life. Cindy was the victim of sexual abuse and she had gotten no sympathy from the facility nurses. They treated as only a means to earn money and nothing more. Pete treated her like she was human being that had value and she cried silently when Pete was removed from the medial section of the facility.

Pete one day took Bob aside away from other kids in the yard.

He spoke silently,"I need a favor from you, Bob. Because, I found a way to get into the ventilation system. I need you to watch my entrance in so that no can find out about it and seal the vent behind me. There is something I need to get to without anyone but us knowing to what we are doing."

This was a lot for Pete to ask of Bob but the boy knew that he still owned his friend a favor, after he saved him from getting beat worse than he had been by some bullies. Bob made the decision to not ask any questions, about the reasons behind the decision to do this and just do as he was asked.

Bob said,"Okay, I will do it but how will you get back out?"

Pete smiled a rare smile during those days which surprised Bob.

The scarred lad said,"I am glad that you had asked since I did not think to plan that far into advance. You will walk around the orphanage as normal and check up on the entrance after two hours.


Pete was able to get back down the ventilation shaft and Bob rigged it that it looked like it had bolted down firmly as before. But, it would still be easy enough for Pete to get back out.

The sharp eyed lad started to walk around as the boys had planed and they had hoped for the best.


Pete spent over an hour getting a feel for the venting system of the orphanage and he was covered in dirt and rat droppings. He was about to give up when he saw a white floor through a ceiling.

Pete thought,"I have finally found it!"

Pete saw that there was no nurses in any of vents he looked down so he had gotten the courage to exit the vent into a storeroom. He had washed himself in the janitor drain and put on a fresh set a clothes that he carried in a small shopping bag. He knew that Cindy had some sort of illness and he did not want to make any more worse than it already was.

Pete walked out of the janitor's closet and hope that he did not get caught by one of the

infirmary's many nurses.

He walked around the infirmary for a few minutes when he hears a cough. The voice sounded familiar but he could not pin it down.

The voice was that a young woman.

Pete gasps,"Cindy, is that you?"

The voice stops coughing and yells,"Pete? Why on Rindat are you doing here! You could get punished for breaking into here?"

He had a look of sorrow on his normally calm demeanor.

Pete spoke,"I just had to speak to you once again!"

Cindy is torn between what she had been told by her father, Damion and the new revelation that her new found friend had brought.

She demanded,"Pete, I missed you too but you have to get out of here before the nurses come back from lunch. They will be here any minute now!"

Pete spoke,"But Cindy."

At that same moment, the nurses all burst back into the infirmary.

Pete instantly reacts, jumps through the curtain, lands on the bed next to Cindy. Pete then hides

under the blanket laying face towards Cindy. The hospital bed was twin so his body was pressed towards the body of Cindy. She had a big belly but Pete could tell that it was not fat tissue within her stomach.

Pete had just jumped in bed with Cindy so that he would not be spotted by the incoming nurses.

Just a moment later, a nurse went in the curtained off section that Cindy had been put in. Pete was sweating profusely due to the fear that he would be caught. Cindy's face was red as an apple.

The nurse said nothing and just checked the stats on Cindy's medical machine

Pete was clenching his fists, so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

Cindy spoke,"Please, do not leave yet!"

Pete thought,"I am done! I could not take any weapons with me!"

The nurse stopped and walked back like the young lady was wasting her time.

Cindy spoke,"Please, close the curtain behind you, that outside room lights hurt my eyes."

The nurse spoke,"Whatever," as she did as she was asked. The nurse left for the nursing station that was out of earshot."

Cindy spoke,"Why are you doing here, Pete? You can't be here, because the administer will

kill you if he finds out that you are here with me."

The lad jumped out from under the many blankets and wiped the sweat off his brow.

He spoke,"I had to see you again, I do not care what happens to me."

Pete held the pregnant teenager's hand but Cindy pulled her hand away in disgust.

Cindy spoke,"I did not want you to see me since I am so hideous!"

He was taken back by the young lady's comment.

Pete smiled at the comment.

Cindy put her hands in her face and started to cry.

She said,"Do not make fun of me."

His face shifted from a smile to a look of bewilderment.

He spoke,"I smiled because you said you were ugly, when you are the prettiest blonde headed girl that I had ever seen."

Cindy wiped her tears with a tissue and looked to her friend's mystified face.

Pete's face was completely solemn and without any guile.

Cindy was completely speechless, since her rapist father had always put her down to the point where she had given up.


It was a few years ago, and she had just had her first period. The nurses had told her father of what had occurred and he was eager to see Cindy. The young girl was "raised" in the nursing ward and knew very little of her body or the world around her.

Damion walked in the room to seeing Cindy crying on the bed with her face in her hands.

The tall man grabbed the girl, like she had just done something wrong.

He raped her for the rest of the day after beating her black and blue.

That day, Cindy's spirit was broken.


Cindy cried,"Pete, I am a pregnant slut and nobody loves me! Nobody ever did!"

Pete started to cry along with the young woman.

He spoke,"I would not judge you even if you were what you claimed to be, since you helped me

when my back was healing up. You gave me a reason to live after getting beaten nearly to death. I had nobody as well when I met you. My folks died while working, I was then kidnapped, and forced into this hell!"

Pete turned his back to Cindy while still seating on the side of the hospital bed. He lifted his shirt and revealed the whip scars on his back. To how, the lad did not bleed to death, she did not know."

Cindy was completely in awe of how Pete could be so cheerful, despite his constant suffering.

She put her slender hand on his back and gently rubbed his back out of both in an attempt to try to comprehend what she was seeing and also to comfort her friend.

Cindy asked,"Who did this to you?"

Pete spoke with his back still facing the pregnant girl,"I do not know the name of who had done

this but it was some evil woman that once worked here."

Cindy spoke,"What happened?"

Pete spoke,"She beat me with a whip and I fought back. I beat her to death with a chuck of wood and her twisted sister fell off a balcony to her death."

Cindy gasped,"You actually fought back? You can do that?"

The young woman had been brainwashed by her father and his underlings her entire life, so rebellion was a new concept to her."

She broke the gaze on the lad's back when she heard him cry up. She rolled over to his side of the bed and saw the young man beside himself with grief.

Cindy thought to herself,"He is as depressed as I am! He cheered me up despite all his suffering he was going through himself. She put her head on his shoulder to try to comfort him, he returns the gesture with an arm around her side.


Bob was getting nervous, while pacing through the playground.

Bob thought,"Hurry up, Pete! We have bed check tonight and we can not be late! What is taking

you so long? It is starting to get dark and you have you to hurry!"

Two boys start to yell,"Piggy! Piggy! Piggy!"

Bob paid the boys no heed until they were almost upon him.

One of the boys yell,"What is up, faggot?"

The other boy spoke,"Where is your lover?"

Bob turned around to see the two boys charging him.

The chubby lad pulls out his trusty slingshot and flings two rocks that landed between the eyes of each of the boys' eyes.