chapter 26

The recruits ate the slop like it was the best food that they had ever had or they were yelled at by the sergeants. The boy and Kill Joy ate it with forced smiles on their faces

The rich kids early hated the food, but were forced it anyway with a smile on their faces, because it was eat the food or public humiliation. The rich kids were too proud to risk such humiliation in front of others they saw as lower than themselves.


The next phase of the testing of the recruits, was the intellectual test to see where all the different recruits stood out individually. The physical tests were taken on the first day of the tests while the intelligence tests were on day two. All hundred enlistees were forced to take all sorts of IQ tests to see how smart they really were in every considerable way. Skills testing was next in the testing program along with job testing.

All the tests were extremely hard with most of the boys being very nervous. The richer kids were used to being prepared by tutors for all kinds of tests, well in advance. This was not the case here and they all did poorly. The more well off kids tested more towards the middle of the bell curve. Kill Joy tested high and was second place in the intelligence tests. Joy was nervous throughout the testing, but did well in the end. The Boy was praying himself through the tests and did very good. He was the lead by taking first place. The Boy had thought that he was doing bad but he begin to feel a great peace upon him.

Finally all the tests were over for the day and the boys were sent to eat again in the same old cafeteria.


Hagotti was the control room overlooking all the tests and he was generally pleased with the results.

Hagotti spoke to no one in particular,"Kill Joy tested very high and is perfect to be a combat doctor. He tested also high for being an officer for the academy here. The boy who outsmarted Hemotto

scored the highest on all the intelligence tests and is a perfect candidate to be an elite officer in the upcoming new age of Urano officers. Some of the others tested poorly this time, despite being the pick of the litter supposedly. That is why you can't judge by appearance or by one's name.


The next day was battle testing and the hundred recruits were to fight in four battle royales. This would result in the winner of each of the royales would fight in one final battle.

The first battle royale had twenty-five contestants with one of the rich kids that started an argument with the boy.

The rich kid speaks,"You plebeians, need not even try because I, John, of the well to due Smith


The rest of the battlers begin to fight each other with fierce intensity. John is taking one foe out

after another until there was only five contestants left in the group.

Four fighters are trying to encircle John when he begins to laugh like a madman.

The four fighters begun to grow afraid and John took advantage of the confusion.

John throws powder in the other four boys' eyes, as they fight each other into a bloody pulp. John had thrown his voice to try to fool the others while also strategically given blows to the others.

Within minutes the battle was over and John was the winner.


During the first battle royale, Kill Joy and the Boy was standing beside each other.

Kill Joy spoke,"These Smith boys are hard to beat, so let us fight together if we can. Once it comes down to the two of us then we can see who the better is. You agree?"

Kill Joy was pleased with the answer and remained silent.

The Boy spoke,"so be it then, since we will fight together until the end."

The next two battle royales went just as the first one had went. Johnny Smith won the second battle while the third battle went to Jonathon Smith. Whomever won the last battle royale would have to fight all three Smith brothers.

The Boy and Kill Joy are in the last group and they will be fighting together until only they

remain. But that was the best case scenario. The two prepare to fight the other twenty-three battlers.

Two fighters attack the duo with punches and they block the blows.

Joy grabs his opponent by one of his arms and swings him towards himself.

Joy punches hard in the face and knocks his opponent flat.

The boy does a Hurricanrana and flips his foe unto his head. Bones could be heard breaking from the

fallen foe.

Twenty-three fighters left.

Various other fights went on along the two boys' fight.

Seventeen fighters left.

The boy does a sweeper kick and takes the feet out from under one unfortunate boy. Then the foe is hit with an uppercut right in the lower jaw.

Kill Joy head butts his foe in the head, which knocks the enemy down to the ground. While stunned, Joy soccer kicks the rival in his head.

Eleven fighters left.

Four fighters figure out what Kill joy and the boy are doing and rush towards the duo. The two heroes get an idea.

The boy stands on the shoulders of Kill Joy and waits for the opponents to come near.

The boy jumps off of kill joy and head stomps the far right fighter. Then the remaining three receive the same. Kill joy grabs one of the fallen foes and slams them against each other. The four fighters are now knocked out cold.

Two fighters left.

The two boys both know that there could be no draw in this fight and one must prevail.

The boy had the speed advantage, while Kill Joy was the stronger of the duo. He would try to keep his distance at first then he would strike.

The boy kept kicking Kill Joy in his shins as a means to create an even further speed gap between the two.

The tactic begins to work and the Boy becomes brazen by kicking him in both knees. Kill Joy

can not stand up on his feet anymore.

The drill sergeant yells,"Fight Kill Joy or you will lose!"

Kill Joy yells,"I concede!"

One Fighter left: the boy wins block four.

The Boy helps Kill Joy to his feet to the side of a huge stone wall. Kill Joy sits on the ground leaning the sturdy wall.

One of the drill Sergeants yells, Boy, you better get ready for your fight since it will start within a few seconds.

The lad was taken back by the news but did not let it rattle him.

Kill Joy yelled,"He has had the least time to rest than the Smith brothers!"

The drill Sergeant laughs,"War is not fair boy! Get used to it or you will soon die a quick death out on the battlefield!"

Kill Joy remained silent, since he knew that the situation could not changed. He prayed for some kind of miracle but doubted that it would occur.

The Boy thought,"Good Lord, it is three vs one, so I will need your protection. In the past, you had given three-hundred men the victory over an innumerable number of enemies. I fear not will happen, but I would like your help as always."

The three Smith boys all begin to chant,"Prepare to die, old little ant under the feet under the elite!"

The Boy fearlessly attacks the trio and manages to get a few blows in. This angers the Smith brothers and they prepare to battle the lone boy together.

Johnny yells,"It should not take all three of us to defeat one such as him! We must not shame our family! I will defeat him alone!"

John yells,"You are right, brother! So have it your way!"

Jonathon only laughed chillingly.

While the brothers were talking, the boy took the chance for a surprise attack. So he gave Johnny a hard kick to his temple.

Johnny was knocked smooth out and had his head driven hard into the solid floor.

John decided that it was time to retaliate in kind.

The boy got punched hard in the jaw as blood spewed out as a mist out of his mouth. The mist of blood covered the face of John as the boy swung his arms wildly in the attempt to regain his balance.

John cursed the boy in words that the preacher's son had never even heard before, let alone had

said himself.

The boy forced himself to act so that he would not have to face certain defeat. He must take any opportunity to get ahead in this handicap match to the finish. A look of determination appeared on the boy's solemn face.

The look on the face of the boy caused the onlooking drill instructors to take notice of the raw talent that he had possessed.

John was sickened by the sight of being covered in blood, especially someone else's blood on him. He was not concerned about any Blood borne pathogens, but the sheer humiliation of being spit upon. His family was Urano elite and they saw all others as trash.

John charged at the boy like a bull to a matador. The Smith Brother had totally lost his cool and his skills dropped back down to rank amateur.

The boy knew that it was the correct time to act but he knew one fact all too well.

A cornered animal was extremely dangerous!

John was almost upon him when the boy gave the foe a superkick to the jaw as hard as he possibly could.