chapter 32

She struggled to her feet and yelled,"Joe stop it!"

The boy stopped in his tracks and fell to his knees. Grandma cover with a blanket as he cries.

Joe boasts,"I will beat up anyone that hurts people, like the monsters had done harm to my mom and dad! No one will have to killed ever again!"

Grandma could nothing but cry for the boy's loss and the burden he was putting upon his self. She put her arms and his neck in a tender hug.

Joe spent the next few years helping all those that were around him.


Bertha cries at the story along with Grandma and they hug each other.

Joe spoke,"It was my cross to bear and I completely accept it."

The large man was completely emotionless when he spoke. Joe had somehow sneak upon the duo which surprised the duo.

Joe and the others started to hear screams coming from outside.

The three all looked out the front room windows and they were shocked.

It was over one hundred well armed gangsters walking into the neighborhood.

Joe was standing in his front room flexing out his huge muscles in the attempt to get his body ready for combat that was soon to come.

Bertha cried out in horror,"We must leave now or we will be killed by those gangsters!"

Joe huffed out of outrage of what had just being said.

He spoke,"I am the protector of this neighborhood, so who will protect the neighbors if I tuck my tail between my legs and run? Well, who will, huh?"

Joe was very angry with his words at Bertha and she felt smaller than a fly after the exchange of words.

Grandma interjected,"Do not worry my child, since Joe is very mighty in physical strength. You

had seen just a little bit of it, so do not worry."

Bertha's face turned white as a ghost.

The young woman spoke,"But it is one hundred thugs! Nobody can do that!'

Grandma laughed.

She spoke,"It is not unheard before, since there was instances in the Good Book where one man killed eight hundred warriors with weapons, with another man with just the jawbone of donkey killed one thousand men! Joe is acting out on faith based on those two times where it had occurred before.

Joe jested,"It takes at least one hundred men to get me warmed up or my muscles will still

be cold!"

Grandma spoke,"There is no changing his mind, once he made it up no matter what we may do.

So just accept it and pray!"

The old woman begins to pray in a nearby chair. Joe exited the house, while Bertha locked the front door after him.

Bertha thought,"I know Joe is strong, but is he that fearsome?"

Joe walked out the door and down the front of his stoop unto the nearby street.

One of the many gangsters yelled,"We are going to kill you and everyone that you had ever known!"

Joe paid the thug no heed as he finished his preparation for the incoming war. He charged at the thugs and ran over the top of several of the thugs as a herd of deer running over the top of marshmallows.

It was that one sided.

Joe did a double clothesline to some more thugs as they were beheaded by the blows. Joe had, hated killing but this time he had no other choice if he was to save his family. His entire neighborhood was the man's family no matter how they were as people. He loved them that dearly.


Within just one minute, the entire group of one hundred thugs were laying dead on the blood covered ground.

Bertha had saw the entire fight and it caused to fall unto her knees.

She spoke,"How could someone be so strong? I am glad that he is on my side or I would not stand a second before his might!"

Nine hundred more thugs prepare to fight the hero, Joe and the man did not back down an inch.

Ki begins to forms around the massive man as he powers up considerable.

He will now fight seriously. The large man had not bluffed when he said that it took fighting one hundred men to just get him started.

One of the incoming gangsters yell,"He is going into his super mode, so be careful you guys!"

Another gangster yells,"This is not an anime, so do not fear this punk! It is at best crappy

web fiction, since he has no blonde hair!"

Joe destroys the thugs with just his aura and vaporizes the attackers into nothingness. He had successfully defeated one thousand thugs by himself, but he had little time to celebrate his victory.

Out of nowhere, a semi truck with a trailer behind it come storming into the neighborhood. It

parked right in front of Joe's house with the side of the trailer facing Joe. The top of the trailer opened revealing three large gun turrets.

The gangsters used the three turrets to fire upon Joe.

Joe was being riddled with bullets, but he would not budge an inch. Bertha and Grandma was in the house behind him. He used his body as a shield to protect them from the incoming gun fire.

The gangsters fired all the bullets that they had but Joe was still standing with his arms stretched to his sides. He was covered in bullet wounds all over his body but not one bullet hole had entered the home behind him.

Even the thugs were amazed by the sight of the bloody Joe still being on his feet with an untouched house behind him.

Joe spoke while puking up blood,"You willl not winnnn here today!"

The remaining gang bangers all laughed at the bloodied Joe as they opened two huge crates that

were between the three turrets.

Joe was struggling to keep himself from hitting the ground dead.

The thugs pulled out Uzis from both crates and fired them at the already dying Joe.

Joe's body was jerking wildly as the bullets dug into his already torn flesh, but he still would not let his home receive even one Bullet.