chapter 35

Joe spat right in the police chief's face.

The whole room was totally shocked by Joe's actions.

Joe had just spit in the police chief's face to go along with the slap that Joe had given him less

than a week ago.

Joe spoke,"You are just a puppet ruler and nothing more!"

The chief wiped the spit off his face and just sat there, staring hatefully at Joe.

Joe spoke,"You did drugs and screwed whores paid for by the local gangs, while they raped and pillaged the land into oblivion. You are just trash, just pure and simple. I should have killed when you got your balls out of your madame's hand bag and showed up on my door step! The only reason that you are still alive is, because of Bertha and Grandma. They had seen far too much killing already in the last few weeks!

The police chief's face was white as a ghost and he was shaking like a leaf in a thunder-storm.

Joe spoke,"Chief, are you speechless or are you too stoned to care? Better yet, has the cum stench off your whores fried your brain?"

Joe then pointed at the chief's groin.

The chief had wet himself out of sheer fear, both due to Joe's potential assault upon him and secondly that his sins had found him out. The urine was running down the police chief's leg and unto the floor.

All the men jumped out of the trail of incoming urine.

Joe spoke,"You are a wimp, now clean up this mess before I mess you up, permanently!"

The chief tried to clean up the mess with his shoe, poorly. All of the other men looked upon the police chief with utter disdain. Joe wanted the chief to feel the humiliation that he had felt along with many others over the years.

Joe yell out at the local police chief,"You are so ungodly and nasty that it is unbelievable! Look

at the miserable state that you are in! You are not gonna clean up that mess with your shoe, so use your shirt. If you do not do it, I will make you clean it up with your tongue. Never mind, you might like that, since you are probably kinky that way.

The police chief slowly unbuttoned his shirt and cleaned up the mess with with shirt.

Joe spoke,"Now, put the shirt back on!"

The police chief spoke,"But it is filthy! I can't wear that!"

Joe spoke,"But, you are more filthy than that pissed stained shirt! Now button it back up!"

The police chief cringed as he put the shirt back on and buttoned it back up.

Joe spoke,"Chief, if anything happens to my family or anyone I know gets harmed, I will kill

you and your entire police force! Do not try me and get out of here, before I change my mind!"

The police chief ran out of the room with his tail between his legs.

The remaining men stood speechless, before the mighty Joe for several minutes.

Joe spoke,"How long do I have to smell urine before I can leave?

The boss spoke,"Let us go to another office while sanitation cleans this room up.


The remaining men left for the closest office and continued the meeting.

Joe spoke,"Now, gentlemen let us cut through the malarkey and jump to the heart of the matter. What is this meeting have to do with me?"

One of the mystery men spoke,"We are here to recruit you."

This surprised Joe to no end.

Joe spoke,"What are you talking about? You want to recruit me for what purpose? I am not working for organized crime! No way that I am going to do that!"

Another of the mysterious recruiters spoke,"I am a wrestling promoter, and my name is Vince. These two men beside me are promoters for mma and strength sports. We had been told of your exploits here by your boss."

Joe looked intently at the factory boss, while eagerly waiting for a response.

The boss spoke,"I did not believe it at first but when I saw how you put the police chief into fits of sheer horror, but the hype about you is all true! You had killed all the gang members in this city down to last man. You are Mr Big and you can't be killed by even corrosive rounds! Joe your strength and toughness is already a legend among the Urano ghettos. People will come to fight you like a knight would be after a golden dragon to slay! You had worked hard your entire life, why do you want to earn Rindats for it!

Vince spoke,"Why do not want to wrestle for money, you have got the "It" factor! I will pay you good money to use you, along with these two fellows that I had come with today."

Joe spoke,"I am not some of meat that you can buy and sell! I am nobody's slave, nobody's!"

Joe was furious staring at the three promoters.

The boss spoke,"I was just looking out for you Joe, since you so good of a worker for me. They were going to send you to prison, but I suggested that you will better suit the community by going into sports. Why do you choose to be poor when you have all the tools to rise above all the hell that you and your family had been through?"