chapter 38

The boy and Kill Joy had spent five years training to be soldiers in the secret Urano military complex. The boy was trained to be officer and an administer at the military complex, while Joy was taught to be a battlefield medical doctor. The boy was a strength and a conditioning coach so that one day he could train his own recruits one day. Both lads were now first lieutenants in the army, lieutenants Junior grade in the navy, and first lieutenants in the air force.

The pair had been kept together by designed by General Hagotti for around five years. The officer had overseen the pair's training and had high hopes for the duo.

Hagotti had done all that he could to keep the boy and Kill Joy out of combat duty until they were at least seventeen years old. Other generals send off young recruits like the two boys right after boot camp. The old general refused to send anyone sooner than seventeen since it was the earliest age one could legally enlist into the military. Hagotti did not care for all the heat that he had received over the years by the higher ups in the faction.

Hagotti did not care what punishment that he should have received over the years. The general

should have been a fifteen star general instead of just a twelve star general. The general was an officer in three of the Urano's secret military branches and was a very honest man in a corrupt system.

The enemy Ibor Faction was on the ropes, so the Uranos was eager to finish their blood foe after centuries of combat. The Urano government lusted after having a one world government with the Uranos at it's head. That was they wanted all these years and the faction did all they could to carry it to

completion. They begun to draft every able bodied person until they were very little that were not ether in combat or directly supporting the war effort. Soon, the faction begun to draft the very young into training for combat. Laws and ethics were deemed to be of ill concern so that victory could be obtained.

The boy and the medic Kill Joy were both forced to dress in combat uniforms and led into an

aircraft hanger. They were armed with all sorts of weapons: some guns, others explosives, and some like the Boy, used bladed weapons. The lad was a hand to hand expert as well as a master of bladed weapons. Hagotti let his solders carry their weapons of choice but demanded that they carry some kind of heavy powered weaponry.

Hagotti wanted each of his soldiers to have the best chance for survival, so he allowed some customization. The boy was very good at close range combat that forced him to battle his foes face to face. Kill Joy stay near the rear helping those who retreated back due to injury as well as attacking from a long distance when he could.

Hagotti gathered all the young warriors up into series of rows.

The general spoke,"This is D-day my young cadets! You are to wage war against our long hated foe that we fought for so many centuries. Our enemy has been crippled by our secret weapons that cut off the head of the snake, but we must destroy the still warm body while we have the chance. Today is the first of the last days of the Ibor menace!"

The general raised his right fist to the ceiling as the whole crowd shouted in agreement.


The soldiers were led into the aircraft bay's many transport carriers in a swift efficient series of single file lines.

The boy and Kill Joy were seated in seats across from each other but knew all too well that they must keep silent. The commanders did not like idle chat before a conflict and keep observant of the surroundings.

The seats were just metal seats attached to the side of the airship's hull. They were hard seats that made uncomfortable over just a few minutes.

Yet, none of the warriors admitted such discomfort.


The two boys were sitting still for what seemed to several hours. How long the boys did not

know. They were too afraid to ask since they probably would receive a proper response. Instead, they would be chastised for such a question. A request of "are we there yet?" would not be tolerated.

The boys were nervous about the incoming battle but knew that they must not show any fear.

An officer stands up and shouts," We are here grunts! We are to take over this Ibor city and capture all government buildings. You are to kill all that resist us, no matter if they men, women, or children. Kill all scum with extreme prejudice.

Several doors of the aircraft were opened and the soldiers jumped out with parachutes.

The parachutes were made out of newly made light metal alloy. The solders had battle armor made of the same alloy at just a thicker density. The allow for stronger metal than ether steel or titanium at a much lighter weight required for proper protection. The body armor was covering the fighters from head to toe with various weapons strapped to their bodies.

The hidden Military complex that trained all it's recruits to be trained killers, skilled in all forms

of combat: hand to hand, grappling, explosives, rifles, and many other kinds of combat training.

The boy used a saber that was enhanced by sort of energy generator within the weapon. The warrior also carried hundreds of energy powered daggers. On his back, was an energy bazooka and two Uzis at his sides. The bullets were made from a powerful laser blasts. He had several types of grenades

on him as well. He had trained so much but had little real combat experience.

Killjoy on the other hand, had carried a large pack on his back filled with all sorts of medical supplies. This lad was slowed down by such a heavy load but he was no track star to begin with so it matter very little. He was trained medical doctor and surgeon, Joy was to be tested as a combat doctor for the very first time. His main role was to take a support role and secondary as combatant in the siege.

Kill Joy was also a half decent snipe shooter.

The two boys were in for a fierce battle ahead since the city contained over three million people and also had a strong military presence there. It would not be an easy battle that much the two boys
