chapter 46

The boy immediately saw where Bob was sniping from.

It was an old clock tower!

The boy spoke,"Joy I have found him! I want you to keep his attention while I get him from behind. That is our only hope!"

Kill Joy spoke,"Oh boy! I can do it! I will use flash bangs and all over kinds of weirdness to get him off your trail. Just wait and believe!"

The medic kept firing at Bob with endless abandon which took his undivided attention away from the boy. Bob never gave joy the opportunity to see his body out in the open. It was like Bob was a

shadow to the combat medic.

Joy was running his chunky little head trying to kept the one eyed sniper guessing. He only stopped to catch his breath or recharge his laser rifle.


Bob could not see that the boy was entering the first of the old clock tower. As soon his foot hit the floor a trip wire was triggered.

The first floor blew up just leaving only support beams.

The boy spoke,"Joy do not enter the tower on the inside, it is set to blow!"

Joy spoke,"I can see that! You will have to climb the tower prince of Rindat style. Have fun with that!"

The medic was in front of the old clock tower.


The boy was half way up the tower when he realized that he was being shot at.

The lad yelled,"Get your fat butt up the front of the tower and try to distract him!"

The medic did not have time to argue, as he started to grudgingly climb the tower.

Bob stopped firing on the boy's side and went up to the front to fire at joy.

The saw that the firing shifted from him to joy, and raced to almost the top of the tower.

Bob raced to shoot at the boy, which caused the boy fall back down the tower almost half way.

Joy was halfway up the tower when his hand was shot and he fell down towards the ground.

His feet got caught in window before he hit the ground.


By the time, Bob returned the boy was on top of the flat topped tower!

The boy shot the sniper in his shoulder, which caused him to almost fall off the tower.

He punched the AWOL dwarf in the jaw and knocked him out.

The boy was prepare to strike again when he saw somebody coming up.

"Joy, you finally showed up! Let's tie up Bob, so that we could go to the next target We have still have three of the big four to beat."

The medic was unable to talk as he knew that it was just the beginning. But that he had to climb back down the tower.


The next target was at a race track.

Kill Joy spoke,"Three legged Billy must be here!"

The two warriors were shot repeatably, as they ran over cover.

Luckily, the wounds were pretty much superficial, so the boys would live for now.

The boy yelled,"The boy is going faster than mach one! He maybe faster than me?"

Billy was just a blur to the two men.

The boy spoke,"He is going mach 1 with ease!"

Joy spoke,"That is insane!"

The former farmer spoke while he raced,"I am not backing down so you can tell your boss that I am not going! I had enough with government trying to rule over my life! They try to take my farm and now my life! No way I will allow to happen again!"

The hickness was just oozing out of Billy's pours.

The boy spoke,"Then let us get it on then, since the formalities are now over!"

The pair were both moving at mach 1 now with sheer ease that made the heavy yoked medic a little jealous. But the medic knew that he had help to beat this speedster or they will probably


The speedster was taken surprised by the duo's velocity and allow himself to taken by surprise.

Two of billy's legs were shot in the ankles, while he was off guard.

Billy had been demobilized as Joy and the boy both knocked him out with the butts of their assault rifles.

Two down and two to go.


The boy and Joy were both in an abandoned bunker that had not been used in over one hundred years. Pete was a natural stealth assassin and darkness was his chosen element. The two warriors were aware of this fact but they were still in the dark. No pun intended.

Pete could come anywhere and everywhere at the same time. The duo were using their night vision googles that came standard issue with the duo's power suits.

The suits were multiplying their power ten fold.

A high pitched laugh emitted from the bunker.

"I am shifty Pete and I will be not easy as Bob and Billy. I am the brains of this outfit!"

Kill joy and the boy were on guard, waiting for Pete to strike.

Pete spoke,"You will pay for what you did to my friends. I am going to take my time with you two!"

long knives were thrown at the heroes' heads at lightning speed.

Joy jumped one way and the boy another. But it was for naught.

They dodged the knives but they both got kicked in the heads for their trouble. Pete was extremely flexible to the point of absurdity.

The boys were getting beat like they owed Pete money.

The Boy thought,"Lord, help us!"

A voice spoke,"Sing amazing grace!"

The boy spoke,"Joy sing with me with the outside speakers!"

The medic spoke,"What, have you gone mad?"

They were losing badly so Joy followed along.


Pete's blows were getting less and less accurate.

The two warriors were standing to get the upper hand.

Pete spoke,"Bring it on! I can take it!"

Pete wrapped his legs around Joy's neck like he was snake. The medic was in trouble but he managed some how tokeep an arm between his neck and his Pete's legs