chapter 50

Billy was racing around his trooper at mach five, while still being able to stop at a dime. The two speedsters were firing assault rifles from each hand.

Yet, they were moving so quick that they still couldn't land a shot on each other.

Billy ran in a circle around the trooper, until the area was surrounded by tall tornado.

The elite trooper was inside the eye of the tornado to avoid receiving damage.

Billy had his foe where he wanted him and filled the trooper with holes from his assault rifles.


Bob was the only beside Joy(who was just fulling his role as a combat medic) to not take out an elite trooper.

The one eyed sniper was in a shooting war with a slim sniper.

Bob thought,"I am about to burn up all of my rifles if I keep this up. My main rifle has only one more good shot before it blows up on me. I got to make it good or I am dead meat."

Bob threw a grenade out in the middle of the floor, just to see what it might bring him.

Luckily, the trooper could be heard coughing from behind the smoke,

Bob shot dead center through the shroud of smoke, thus creating a further explosion, that created a massive smoke cloud.

Bob nervously checked the smoky area with a combat knife. His found his opponent to be in scattered shards of flesh and bones.

Bob spoke,"Good, he is mole food! I have got to find the back up generator, while my guns cool back down. I hope that I do not get any unwelcome company before then."


The six men searched the entire area several times over but they still could not find anything for all their effort.

The met back together in the center of the area to regroup.

Billy spoke,"Ether it is now here or it is extremely well hidden."

Deathmask spoke,"That has to be what is going on with this blasted thing."

Kill Joy spoke,"Those Ibors might be pulling power from the other three or more sectors for now. I am not detecting any other power source in the sector. I do not know that any other secondary source of power in this sector will only last about one or two more days, counting what time has already transpired since we had started on our new found mission. At least, what my calculations had told me."

Deathmask spoke,"Then we will have to destroy the other generators. But this time it will not

be as easy, since the enemy forces must know that something sinister is going down. We might have a slight lead but a cornered animal is at it's most dangerous."


Back at William and Susie's home, there was much fretting and worrying to be done.

Their son had not sent his monthly letter as they were used to.

Susie spoke,"The military blacks out most of his letters, now they take all of them away. It is not right, dad!"

William spoke,"Mom, we have to walk by faith and not by sight! You know that as well as I! He

is in God's hands and we must trust in him that has given him to us in the first place. The boy has been given a task to do and he will come back to us once he has fulfilled His will."

Susie spoke,"I know that the boy is trouble! I feel it within my very bones, since they ached everyday that he had been absent from our aging eyes. I know that the child loves his rastling and his fights, despite all the times we kept him from it. He was always rebellious when we tried to take it from him. But, he is still the little boy that I cared for and dotted upon."

William broke out into laughter.

Susie spoke,"Dad, do not poke fun at my despair."

William's smile was erased from across his wrinkling face.

The preacher spoke,"I am just remembering the time where he tore down the old homestead down to the dirt in a mere twelve hours. I had never seen such a thing before or since."

Susie laughed,"We never took his rastling away again after that. As long as everything else was inline, we let him be."

William spoke with tender eyes,"I know that the Urano-Ibor war is reaching it's most destructive period. I just hope that he is not among the combatants."

Susie spoke,"What is the government thinking to drafting twelve years from across the land? What good will it be to send kids to die in foreign lands that they have no business being in the first place?"


Back at the secret military base where Deathmask and so many others were trained at.

Hagotti was in his office standing with his back to his desk and Hemotto seating in one of the chairs at the front of the desk.

Hagotti spoke while still facing against the wall,"Have you ever thought of what made someone great above all others?"

Hemotto frowned as if he was bothered by a rambling lunatic.

"I had never thought of such things."

Hagotti spoke while standing in the same position,"You were born into wealth and power, since you were a greenhorn. Yet, I was born among the poorest of the poorest and I am at the same rank as you, despite we both have the same rank."

Hemotto spoke,"Are becoming sentimental after waxing poetic?"

Hagotti broke out into laughter.

"I have not lost my edge, instead I just have learned to find those that are great before they even know it themselves. I can't explain how I know that but I just feel it. I know the desire to be the best even after all these years. I want to become greater, despite being a five star general in the army, navy and the air force. I am going to become five star general in both the marines and the coast guards as well. That desire is something that you had never had and never will."

Hemotto let out a huff and stormedout of the room.